Engine: GZDoom
Games Supported: Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen + Deathkings of Dark Citadel
Widescreen Solution: Native
Download GZDoom and extract it to an empty directory, and call it "GZDoom" or something like that to remind you that this contains GZDoom and all Doom engine games.
All but one of the below instructions involve copying one or two data files into the GZDoom directory. Follow as many as you like, and then run gzdoom.exe. If you only have the data file from one game in the gzdoom directory, it will automatically use that data file. If you have data files from multiple games, you'll get a menu asking which one you'd like to play. Very convenient!
The one exception is Master Levels which is a bit more involved, and has its own playing instructions.
Go to
Copy DOOM.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
Go to
Copy DOOM2.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
Go to
Copy TNT.WAD and PLUTONIA.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
Go to
Copy HERETIC.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
Go to
Copy HEXEN.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
You must have followed the Hexen instructions beforehand.
Go to
Copy HEXDD.WAD into your GZDoom directory.
This one's a bit more involved. You must have followed the Doom II instructions beforehand.
Go to
Copy the folder "wads" into your GZDoom directory. Then go to the GZDoom directory and create a file called "master.bat."
Now, edit the file, and copy and paste this into it:
@echo off
echo DOOM II: The Master Levels
echo 1: attack.wad *MAP01
echo 2: blacktwr.wad *MAP25
echo 3: bloodsea.wad *MAP07
echo 4: canyon.wad *MAP01
echo 5: catwalk.wad *MAP01
echo 6: combine.wad *MAP01
echo 7: fistula.wad *MAP01
echo 8: garrison.wad *MAP01
echo 9: geryon.wad *MAP08
echo 10: manor.wad *MAP01
echo 11: mephisto.wad *MAP07
echo 12: minos.wad *MAP05
echo 13: nessus.wad *MAP07
echo 14: paradox.wad *MAP01
echo 15: subspace.wad *MAP01
echo 16: subterra.wad *MAP01
echo 17: teeth.wad *MAP31 *MAP32
echo 18: ttrap.wad *MAP01
echo 19: vesperas.wad *MAP09
echo 20: virgil.wad *MAP03
set /p userinp=choose a number (1-20):
goto %userinp%
set wad%=attack.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=blacktwr.wad
set warp%=25
goto end
set wad%=bloodsea.wad
set warp%=7
goto end
set wad%=canyon.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=catwalk.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=combine.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=fistula.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=garrison.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=geryon.wad
set warp%=8
goto end
set wad%=manor.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=mephisto.wad
set warp%=7
goto end
set wad%=minos.wad
set warp%=5
goto end
set wad%=nessus.wad
set warp%=7
goto end
set wad%=paradox.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=subspace.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=subterra.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=teeth.wad
set warp%=31
goto end
set wad%=ttrap.wad
set warp%=1
goto end
set wad%=vesperas.wad
set warp%=9
goto end
set wad%=virgil.wad
set warp%=3
goto end
gzdoom.exe ./wads/%wad% -warp %warp%
To play Master Levels, run master.bat instead of gzdoom.exe. You'll get a menu that lets you pick which map to use.