Ergotech Triple Desk Stand Review - Performance & Conclusions

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Ergotech InstallThe installation procedures for the Triple Desk Stand are short, simple and easy. In six steps (plus monitor adjustments), the stand is assembled and ready for use. All of the instructions (including diagrams) fit on one sheet. The monitor stand can literally be assembled in 30 minutes (if not less). Monitor adjustments for a first time user may take a few extra minutes, as there is some trial and error involved in setting up the viewing angles and getting the monitors properly set with no bezel gaps. Here are a few of the steps where I can offer some additional insight based on my experience.


Measuring performance for a monitor stand is a funny thing. First, the ease of installation plays a far greater role in the overall performance than say a hard drive or video card. Secondly, once you have the unit configured properly the "usage" performance is confined to one maybe two configurations or environment. It's not like a video card that needs to perform well in 2D, 3D, watching video, decoding/encoding video and all manner of game environments. All that being said, I find the performance of the Ergotech Triple Desk Stand to be superb.

Future Testing

The easy reconfiguration with the Ergotech stand will allow me to do a couple of things in the near future. One, it will allow me to try Eyefinity in portrait mode. This will allow me to run some benchmarks in Eyefinity portrait and we can see the impact of aspect ratio on FPS and performance. I can get a complete apples-to-apples comparison between the aspects as 3x1920x1200 and 3x1200x1920 has the exact same number of pixels. Second, I will be using the adjustable wings to try gaming at different viewing angles. I will be setting up the HDV cam to video the impact of putting the screens and different angles in different types of games.

Areas for Improvement

In all honesty, I don't find any real areas for improvement. From my discussions with Ergotech, I know that they are wanting to pursue the Gamer market and are looking to cater to our needs. They are serious enough in that effort that they are looking to pursue a Gamer-specific SKU. Hit up this thread to provide your input on what you'd like to see in a multi-monitor stand.

The one thing I would change is to include the telescoping wings with the base SKU. Most users are going to have 24" or larger monitors, and may be looking for viewing angles greater than 30 degrees. Outside of that, I've been completely satisfied with the Ergotech Triple Desk Stand.


The Ergotech Triple Desk Stand is a great piece of hardware and Ergotech is a great company to work with. The big hurdle continues to be for the user to understand the benefits of a multi-monitor stand and to see it as a good investment. Once you've done that, the Ergotech Heavy Duty Triple Desk Stand comes highly recommended and is my product of choice.