Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: SoftTH, DDO and Vista 64

 Post subject: SoftTH, DDO and Vista 64
Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 06:32 

Replies: 13
Views: 6840

My suggestion would be to set 'altResetBehaviour' to 1, as that's what the readme suggests for your problem.

Assuming that you've already done that, try changing your graphics drivers. Use the ones for XP and run them in SP2 Compatibility Mode, which should allow you to avoid this problem.

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 07:16 

Replies: 4
Views: 1942

I had tried to update with the English/German patch, but it didn't work on my child-killing copy. I got the worldwide version and was able to set the correct FOV.

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: Getting correct FOV for Bioshock triplewide?

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 21:56 

Replies: 4
Views: 1942

I have three 19" widescreens running at 1440x900 through SoftTH on XP. I updated Bioshock to 1.1, but I can't find any option the change the FOV in the game menus. How exactly am I supposed to do it?

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: Games and Dual Monitors

 Post subject: Games and Dual Monitors
Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 17:36 

Replies: 11
Views: 3093

First, Download it from http://www.kegetys.net/softth. Next, extract the files and drop them into the data dirctory (the one with .DLLs) of the game you want to play. You should be able to launch the game and play right away with no configuration . . . in most cases.

 Forum: Other Multi-Monitor Solutions   Topic: Is it possible to go above 4096x4096 with an HD 4850?

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 16:38 

Replies: 3
Views: 1716

Nope, I can't, as I just setup my new monitor. I can tell you that it was literally impossible to notice when playing a game, though.

 Forum: Other Multi-Monitor Solutions   Topic: Is it possible to go above 4096x4096 with an HD 4850?

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 22:32 

Replies: 3
Views: 1716

So, I plan to get a third 19" widescreen tomorrow at one of the Black Friday sales, but I'm worried about whether or not my games will work at 3x1440x900. I use SoftTH with two 19" wides for the sides and a 19" CRT for the middle. I normally play at 3840x1024, as I don't really mind if the side scre...

 Forum: Other Multi-Monitor Solutions   Topic: Inquiry to Matrox re: 1600x1200x3 - Response not helpful

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 21:38 

Replies: 24
Views: 6694

Obviously this guy's job is to give canned answers. You need to talk to an engineer, or at least someone who can do that for you. Why not send a PM to that Matrox employee that posts here?

 Forum: Other Multi-Monitor Solutions   Topic: DualHead2Go + third monitor + spanning = Triplehead?

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 09:57 

Replies: 7
Views: 2332

So, I already have a SoftTH setup, but it doesn't work with GRID. I'm considering going for a Matrox solution, but I don't want to spend all that money on a TH2G. I'm wondering if I could hook two monitors up to a DH2G, then span that with a third monitor to give me a triplehead? Has anyone tried th...

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: Up to 6 LG Monitors with USB Multilink technology!

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 08:53 

Replies: 5
Views: 2169

Kegetys (the guy who wrote SoftTH) was able to get a USB DisplayLink adapter working for a side screen. Apparently, it ran very well at 800x600 (with some lag), which doesn't really matter because you're not looking directly at it.

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: HL2 Crosshair - Was this ever solved?

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 08:39 

Replies: 44
Views: 12507

I was able to solve my problem with SoftTH by adding the '-height' and '-width' switches to the desktop shotcut (right click > Properties > Target). My TF2 looks something like this:

"C:ProgramFilesblahblahblahsteam.exe" -width 4480 -height 1024

 Forum: Other Multi-Monitor Solutions   Topic: Help please, how do i get game to run on Dual monitors?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008, 08:55 

Replies: 14
Views: 5499

SoftTH is a giant pain-in-the-ass to setup (and currently doesn't work with some games, such as GRID), but there are some benefits to using it instead of TH2G. It allows you to use monitors of different aspect ratios and resolutions, which is great if have some random monitors lying around. It's als...
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