Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hello, i've taken the plunge
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Author:  happy_snapper [ 17 Aug 2010, 15:07 ]
Post subject:  Hello, i've taken the plunge

Just a quick hello from me as im new(ish) (ive lost my old logon details)

after a few successful years of running softth on some 4:3 16:9 4:3 monitors

ive been watching the hardware surround view technology and it now time to finally the plunge.

so its goodbye to my
x2 1280x1024's

and hello to
another x2 1920x1080
x2 460GTX 2GB's

i mainly game in iracing and older games Stalker etc.

Author:  thales100 [ 17 Aug 2010, 17:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello, i've taken the plunge

and older games Stalker etc.

Welcome, Stalker is great. :cheers

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