Widescreen Gaming Forum

Greetings all
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Author:  Leddfoot [ 30 Oct 2010, 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Greetings all

Greeting all...

This would be my first post on the forum wanted to say Hi before I
post a crap load of questions lol. I have been widescreen gaming
for a few months now most of my issues I've been able to resolve
with some succses with out any help however I just picked up F1 2010
and there are issues.. 1st one is I can only run the game in a large window
2nd is the HUD is displayed on the left and right screens not in the
center when I first installed the it was on the left and right screens then
by itself it went to the center and now its back to the futhest most
reaches of my setup any help would be good.

my specs

i7 930 Quad core OC-3.36
X-58 motherboard
12 gigs DDR-3ram
Dual ATI HD 5870 Crossfire enabled
Dual OCZ Agility 2 120 GB SSD set in Raid 0
3 Viewsonic VA2431 Monitors
Windows 7 OS

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 30 Oct 2010, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings all

Welcome to WSGF.

1st?: Is Eyefinity Enabled? If it's not then, you would have to do that.
2nd?: Bezel Compensation can break HUD alignment. The way that engine works is, that it take the horizontal resolution (after an aspect ratio bigger that 16:9) and divides it by 3 and places the HUD in the middle. If the horizontal resolution cant be divided by 3 evenly, it just places it on the sides.

Author:  Leddfoot [ 31 Oct 2010, 13:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings all

I tried messing around with the bezel tool with no success
my Current res is 6020x1080 that should divide equally by 3
but no joy and as far as the Crossfire, F1 2010 does not recognize it. I
enabled and disabled it several times and it still only allows me play
in a window with significantly reduced fps. Maybe a 25 lbs sledge hammer
would help lol......

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