Widescreen Gaming Forum

Old/New member...
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Author:  Bogga [ 18 Feb 2015, 08:55 ]
Post subject:  Old/New member...

Hi all of my brothers out there in the ultra wide gaming-world :)

Just realised I've been a member of this forum for quite some time and before that used to check this site for various solutions to different problems I've encountered during my days as a WSG.

I started out a few years back as a 5760x1080-gamer on three 24" monitors, but went full retard and decided to sell them and go with one 27"... I missed the surround/eyefinity-solution and bought one new 24" and went with one 27" and two 24". Then I found this awesome thing called 21:9 and bought a 29" IPS... "sat" on that for a while but felt it was to small. Going from a 27" to a 29" is a downgrade in vertical size but I got used to it. Now I've taken the step upwards again and am enjoying the true bliss of gaming on a 34" 3440x1440 IPS :rockout:

Author:  Haldi [ 18 Feb 2015, 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old/New member...

Welcome back?

You sure need a lot of GPU power for that Monitor.

Author:  Bogga [ 19 Feb 2015, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Old/New member...

Haldi wrote:
Welcome back?

You sure need a lot of GPU power for that Monitor.

My two 970's works quite alright for the games I´m playing :)

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