Widescreen Gaming Forum

Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here
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Author:  Delphium [ 06 Nov 2012, 16:01 ]
Post subject:  Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

Please post any bugs you find since the latest migration here.

We will do our best to address issues raised.

Thank you.

Author:  Malakaius [ 06 Nov 2012, 16:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: WSGF migration bug report list.

Not sure if this is a migration bug or not, but I noticed that I was removed from the Insiders group after the migration. I can still see the Insiders badge on my profile, so am curious if this was intentional (as I rarely post). Anyway, keep up the good work, Forums are looking good so far.

Author:  Abram [ 06 Nov 2012, 16:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: WSGF migration bug report list.

I was not able to successfully sign in from main page, but I could from the /forum/ address.

Nice to have low pageload times back.

Author:  Delphium [ 06 Nov 2012, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: WSGF migration bug report list.

Malakaius wrote:
Not sure if this is a migration bug or not, but I noticed that I was removed from the Insiders group after the migration. I can still see the Insiders badge on my profile, so am curious if this was intentional (as I rarely post). Anyway, keep up the good work, Forums are looking good so far.

Fixed, this was a side effect of the migration, some insiders did not get moved to the correct groups, we are on this now.

Abram wrote:
I was not able to successfully sign in from main page, but I could from the /forum/ address.

Nice to have low pageload times back.

Please try loggin out and in again.
Logging in from the front page has worked for me everytime.

Author:  ChainMale [ 07 Nov 2012, 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

Two items, one mighy not be

1. Am getting every screen as a "side scroller".
Like when someone posts a big pic' you have to scroll sideways. Except all screen are doin it.

The Logo/Header are on the far left but the "utility" (dunno what guys call it) colum is not. It starts about 1/4 of the screen width in. Text "IRC chat", then the colum starts and that first box is empty.

2. The 3rd or 4th message in this base is realy wacked.. heh.
(and I think its yers' Del'. hehe.)


Author:  Delphium [ 07 Nov 2012, 17:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

ChainMale wrote:
Two items, one mighy not be

1. Am getting every screen as a "side scroller".
Like when someone posts a big pic' you have to scroll sideways. Except all screen are doin it.
What resolution are you viewing the website at, also what OS and what browser & version are you using?

ChainMale wrote:
2.The Logo/Header are on the far left but the "utility" (dunno what guys call it) colum is not. It starts about 1/4 of the screen width in. Text "IRC chat", then the colum starts and that first box is empty.
Any chance you could take a screenshot please?

ChainMale wrote:
3. The 3rd or 4th message in this base is realy wacked.. heh.
(and I think its yers' Del'. hehe.)

- fixed, however that may crop up in other locations, it is related to font size, what was large in drupal is super super super ultra larger in phpbb. - will look into this more.

Author:  ChainMale [ 07 Nov 2012, 18:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

Super large was hilarious.. heheh

Sorry.. I just came back to edit msg.

Win 7x64
Firefox recent, uh.. 16.0.2 ( window is almost 1920 x about 1000, slightly zoomed for poor eyesight) A little smaller then my 1920x1200 screen with a little extra room verticle.

Not a fan of Chrome.. lemme try it on main ..woah.
Chrome looks fine. Its the "IRC Chat" menu button thats wrapped. It sits under the "Home" menu button and then the "utility colum" starts there. (Basicaly at "Articles")

Another differance;
FFox has a white box top and center(I had assumed a missing graphic) and the WSF definition below. (Right above menu bar)
Chrome has no box and the definition across the top.
FFox also has blank boxes spread throughout the "utility column". Boxes top down; blank, search, user, blank, recent forum, blank, recent blogs, recent articles, blank. All are white, square corners and trimmed with a darker blue. Where your normal boxes are the same but rounded tops.

I just tried zoomin and stretchin my FFox to no avail.

Enough? Need a screen shot of my desk' with both?

Author:  skipclarke [ 07 Nov 2012, 19:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

ChainMale wrote:
FFox has a white box top and center(I had assumed a missing graphic) and the WSF definition below. (Right above menu bar)
Chrome has no box and the definition across the top.
FFox also has blank boxes spread throughout the "utility column". Boxes top down; blank, search, user, blank, recent forum, blank, recent blogs, recent articles, blank. All are white, square corners and trimmed with a darker blue. Where your normal boxes are the same but rounded tops.

Those white boxes are where the site runs ads. Do you have any ad-block plugin or software? They are all served by Google.

Author:  ChainMale [ 07 Nov 2012, 20:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

Hey Skip'.. you get my PM?

The white boxes I see in FFox, no boxes in Chrome.

I do have an Ad Blocker in FFox, not sure about Chrome, proll'y, but I see no white boxes.

Author:  skipclarke [ 07 Nov 2012, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Forum Migration Complete - Report Bugs Here

It's probably the ad blocker. It's working fine for me in Chrome, FF, FF Nightly and Safari. Under several login profiles.

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