Hey guys, I got this game to run (on my monitor that has a max res of 1280x800) in widescreen by using the uniws fix, modifying the 1024x768 res to 1282x802 and then changing the resolution values to 1282 and 802 in the swkotor.ini file. How do I change the HUD to display correctly for this resolution though?
Any help would be appreciated. :)
Edit: okay, I found Sweetz's awesome guide and fixed the hud, here is the fix if anyone else would like to run the game at 1282x802
I've done this for all of the backgrounds (shop, loading, etc) but only for 1680x1050. I may do other resolutions if they haven't been done / if people request it.
I was in the same boat so I modified the files from the 2560x1600 one to be in the correct aspect ratio for the shorter vertical. I haven't gotten anywhere in the game yet to really test all the images, but the loading screen and inventory/map look fine.
I have written an (attempt at an) automated program to run the various steps described in this thread. Hopefully it lets you input your desired resolution and then
- patches swkotor.exe
- automatically alters the GUI files to the new resolution
- automatically rescales/crops/extends the HUD background files to the new resolution
It also automatically alters 1280x768 and 1280x800 (which don't work) to 1281x769 and 1281x801 (which do work). And it suggests 1281x769 as an alternative to 1360x768, if you ask for it.
(All this comes out of my epic battle a few months ago to get KOTOR looking pretty on my 1360x768 TV screen!)
It's attached here. Just unzip it directly into your KOTOR directory and run widescreen.bat. (There's a more detailed readme in the "widescreen" folder).
The mod uses a rather random mixture of tools, but it's built on WEIDU, the Baldur's Gate(!) modding tool. (My modding background is mostly in Baldur's Gate.)
I tried your app, and while it works great with 1920x1080, it will get an out of error memory if I specify 6056x1080.
Installing [Play KOTOR in widescreen?]
Your desired resolution is X x Y
Type desired value for X
Type desired value for Y
So your desired resolution is 6056 x 1080. Are you sure? (Y/N)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Creating 1 directory
Creating 1 directory
Converting back screen to 6056 x 1080 resolution (conversion 1 of 7); this may take a minute or two
Copying and patching 1 file ...
ERROR: [widescreen/textures/1600x1200back.tga] -> [widescreen/temp/800x600back.tga] Patching Failed (COPY) (Out of memory)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Play KOTOR in widescreen?], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 4 files for [widescreenscriptswidescreen.tp2] component 100.
Restoring backed-up [widescreen/backup/100/swkotor.exe]
Restoring backed-up [widescreen/backup/100/swkotor.ini]
Uninstalled 4 files for [widescreenscriptswidescreen.tp2] component 100.
ERROR: Out of memory
Wow... it didn't occur to me that an X resolution that high was even possible.
I don't think the app is fixable (straightforwardly) to get around that "out of memory" error... sorry. It's a hardcoded limitation in the program I'm using to build the new background screens.
You can probably work around it by installing in 1920x1080, renaming the widescreen/1920x1080 directory to widescreen/6056x1080, and then reinstalling. The really tedious bit about converting KOTOR to widescreen is editing the GUI file, and that should still be done automatically, but the backgrounds may be a little imperfect.
It's possible the modified backgrounds are causing confusion for some reason, in which case try deleting all the .tga files from the override directory.
Failing that, I don't know - sorry. I can't test 6056x1050 so it's hard for me to make much progress.
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