Widescreen Gaming Forum

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
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Author:  valcan_s [ 24 Aug 2016, 01:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

akumazeto wrote:
I have the LG ultra wide 29. The game needs help bad as it will not display 2560x1080p on my screen. Lots of people bitching. The game overlay from steam is displayed but the rest is blank and menus and sounds are all there. If you alt=enter out you can play the game in a window or with border less window program. But the performance takes a hit really bad. I have twin 980gtxs.

I can force my desktop to 3440x1440 and the game will display that way but no way I can play it like that. So there is some issues with 2560x1080p and Lg ultra wide monitors. Really lame. Kind of stressed about it as I love the game and the series but I dont know if it will bve fixed or if I should get a refund.

Hmm that sucks :( , did you try Fullscreen and Exclusive Fullscreen checked off in the launcher?

Ok here is a fix that may work, try forcing your game to be in multi monitor mode:

Use regedit:

Open regedit in windows : go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos Montreal\Deus Ex: MD\

-> go to the [Graphics] node:

-> force multi monitor flag to 1 -> [MulitMonitorEnabled] , see the pic check out the other setting and set your resolution:


Link to the regedit fix:


If anyone htat has a multi monitor setup and its not working this should nuke the black bars and fix your issue. I have a Nvidia system and had to do none of this btw.

Hope it helps.

Author:  fomoz [ 24 Aug 2016, 01:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

valcan_s wrote:
fomoz wrote:
SLI doesn't work right now, no?

It works perfectly, SLI is enabled in the game engine and Nvidia has released a profile in the latest driver.

In regedit you can actually see they have a section for multi GPU on and hwo many GPUs : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos Montreal\Deus Ex: MD\ the Dawn engine is designed for multi GPU out of the box.

In other words we are good to go :rockout:

What fps are you getting?

Author:  akumazeto [ 24 Aug 2016, 01:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Yeah did the full screen exclusive vice versa. It is a software issue. let me try this

Author:  akumazeto [ 24 Aug 2016, 02:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

still did not help :( only works in window mode then you must use borderless gamer

Author:  akumazeto [ 24 Aug 2016, 02:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Only way it will display in exclusive full screen is 3440x1440. Super lame. Looks amazing though.

Author:  anteronoid [ 24 Aug 2016, 09:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

fomoz wrote:
anteronoid wrote:
fomoz wrote:
SLI doesn't work right now, no?

Looks like it works just fine. My cards are utilized evenly and when monitoring whith the Sli Indicator its full all the time, so its seems in sync. :onethumb:

If there's no SLI support both cards can still be at 99% utilization. An easy way to check is to compare fps with Exclusive Fullscreen on and off.

I'm asking because of this thread.

Didn't know about the issue until now. Gonna check it out tonight when back from work.
My OC didn't make much difference though, so it might be an issue just as they say in that post.

Author:  jakdwaugh [ 24 Aug 2016, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Anybody have a fix for the marker positions? I'm playing at 3440 x 1440 and It's really difficult to play like this.
In the image I have attached the the marker for the person I am aiming at is the "17m" tag almost half the screen to the right.

Markers.jpg [ 542.4 KiB | Viewed 4978 times ]

Author:  CyborgHobbit [ 24 Aug 2016, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

jakdwaugh wrote:
Anybody have a fix for the marker positions? I'm playing at 3440 x 1440 and It's really difficult to play like this.
In the image I have attached the the marker for the person I am aiming at is the "17m" tag almost half the screen to the right.

No fix yet, but at least it's been officially acknowledged as a known issue that's being worked on: https://mobile.twitter.com/DeusEx/statu ... 2615841793

I'mm all ears for workarounds in the meantime. :D

Author:  Rhadamanthe [ 24 Aug 2016, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

It seems NV Surround works quite well. So lucky guyz !
I've the black bars with my Eyefinity (runs normally on 6000*1200)

Author:  Rhadamanthe [ 24 Aug 2016, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

valcan_s wrote:
akumazeto wrote:
I have the LG ultra wide 29. The game needs help bad as it will not display 2560x1080p on my screen. Lots of people bitching. The game overlay from steam is displayed but the rest is blank and menus and sounds are all there. If you alt=enter out you can play the game in a window or with border less window program. But the performance takes a hit really bad. I have twin 980gtxs.

I can force my desktop to 3440x1440 and the game will display that way but no way I can play it like that. So there is some issues with 2560x1080p and Lg ultra wide monitors. Really lame. Kind of stressed about it as I love the game and the series but I dont know if it will bve fixed or if I should get a refund.

Hmm that sucks :( , did you try Fullscreen and Exclusive Fullscreen checked off in the launcher?

Ok here is a fix that may work, try forcing your game to be in multi monitor mode:

Use regedit:

Open regedit in windows : go to : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos Montreal\Deus Ex: MD\

-> go to the [Graphics] node:

-> force multi monitor flag to 1 -> [MulitMonitorEnabled] , see the pic check out the other setting and set your resolution:

If anyone htat has a multi monitor setup and its not working this should nuke the black bars and fix your issue. I have a Nvidia system and had to do none of this btw.

Hope it helps.

Tried it but, unfortunately, doesn't run without these big blacks bars

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