Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Witcher
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Author:  schlaufer [ 01 Nov 2007, 11:40 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: B
Multi-monitor Grade: B
4k Grade: A

Read Full Detailed Report - The Witcher

Set in a world created by best-selling Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher combines spectacular action and an intriguing storyline. You are aWitcher, a warrior who has been trained to fight since childhood, subjected to mutations and trials that have transformed you. You earn a living killing monsters, and are a member of a brotherhood founded long ago to protect people from werewolves, the undead, and a host of other beasts. The game uses advanced graphics and physics systems for a high-powered blend of brutal action, complex RPG options and character configuration, and sweeping storytelling.The game uses the latest Aurora engine from Bioware (Neverwinter Nights).





Author:  BlueMak [ 01 Nov 2007, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

It's such a good feeling when good new games support Hor+
Well done to the Witcher developer and publisher.

Author:  JosephJEHancock [ 01 Nov 2007, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

I know this is not the surround discussion forum, but I hope it's alright to include these:

Witcher FMV screenshots:

As you can see, not so good. Ah well. The game is much better.

^Works rather nicely.^

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 01 Nov 2007, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Cranky's coverage estimate: 99.5%?

89.5%. And great job on the detailed report - this is literally the only thing I have to add/correct.

Author:  skipclarke [ 02 Nov 2007, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

I know this is not the surround discussion forum, but I hope it's alright to include these:
^Works rather nicely.^

It's great to add them. Heads show that the game renders the FOV based on the aspect

Author:  Malatar [ 07 Nov 2007, 19:14 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Only one minor correction... The Aurora Engine is from Neverwinter Nights 1, not 2. NWN2 uses the Electron Engine.

The Witcher programmers did some incredible work taking the NWN 1 Engine and making some beautiful visuals...

Author:  schlaufer [ 14 Nov 2007, 01:23 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Missing resolutions confirmed by destroy and KamiCrazy - The Withcer can now receive its deserved award. ;)

Author:  infernus [ 28 Mar 2008, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Hor+ even on the gambling table...amazing.. D:

Author:  Tanuki [ 28 Mar 2008, 21:53 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Hor+ even on the gambling table...amazing.. D:

Considering that the game is certified I would hope so. 8)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 16 Oct 2008, 15:47 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher

Is this issue proper to either the original game or Enhanced Edition only ?

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