Widescreen Gaming Forum

Mass Effect 2
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Author:  skipclarke [ 27 Jan 2010, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Mass Effect 2

Widescreen Grade: C
Multi-monitor Grade: C

Read Full Detailed Report - Mass Effect 2

Sequel to Mass Effect. Carries on the adventures of Commander Shepard and his crew. One interesting aspect is that you can import save games from the original game, where decisions will impact the people and story in the sequel.

Author:  skipclarke [ 12 Nov 2011, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Mass Effect 2

Widescreen Grade: C
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: C
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Mass Effect 2

Sequel to Mass Effect. Carries on the adventures of Commander Shepard and his crew. One interesting aspect is that you can import save games from the original game, where decisions will impact the people and story in the sequel.





Author:  Saturn2888 [ 27 Dec 2011, 02:50 ]
Post subject:  zeyrok wrote:Great just found

Great just found how to change the FOV for Mass Effect 2 without breaking the Zoom.

And it work like a charm for me :twothumb

Look here: -> http://www.gamespot.com/masseffect2workingtitle/forum/messages/platform/pc?topic_id=m-1-53263798&pid=944906

Before - After

What exactly does this mean though? Does it mean only when using a sniper or gun with a zoom do you have it fixed or is it always going to be fixed now? I'm assuming I need to change this value somewhere else as well.

Author:  Saturn2888 [ 17 Feb 2015, 09:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

This game is having some menu display issues on a 21:9 display at 3440x1440.

While using Flawless Widescreen, the menus including in-game story choices are vert-.

While using Widescreen Fixer, I noticed it didn't show any menu items when enabled if I enabled it prior to the that screen displaying, but the background seemed to adjust with the FOV change. I did this using both manual and automatic screen recognition.

Running both Flawless Widescreen and Widescreen Fixer in tandem did not fix menu item issues.

File comment: Dialog is off-screen.
2015-02-17_00003.jpg [ 732.13 KiB | Viewed 30735 times ]
File comment: HUD and FOV show up properly.
2015-02-17_00002.jpg [ 920.12 KiB | Viewed 30670 times ]

Author:  Bartfresse [ 18 Feb 2015, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

Hey guys. A fix for the cut off HUDs on 21:9 with Flawless Widescreen can be found here:

http://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comm ... _problems/

These fixes can be applied to both ME1 and ME2.

The only realy problem remaining now is having to deal with offset target reticles which are way off to the right. A thread about this has been also created at Bioware, with pictures attached and I hope someone could shed some light on the issue. it is at http://forum.bioware.com/topic/546232-f ... maybe-me1/

Hope this helps you guys :).

Author:  Saturn2888 [ 20 Feb 2015, 23:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

Here's what I've got working

Primary resolution: 3440x1440.
Everything checked in Flawless Widescreen (In-Game FOV, FOV Limiting, Cinematic Aspect Ratio, Cinematics FOV, HUD Scaling).

Manually configured Flawless Widescreen
Enable Display Detection Override
Width: 3440
Height: 1440
HUD Width: 2560
HUD Height: 1440
HUD X: 437
HUD Y: 0

I also changed the FOV Fine Adjust to 20 from 0; this helps a lot with mouse sensitivity.

My bullets seem to be going exactly where I'm shooting, and I'm able to get headshots and see all the dialog bits. I didn't get a picture of the dialog, but it's working as well.


And just for kicks, I added this in GamerSettings.ini so my mouse isn't super sensitive; although, dunno if it works yet or not:

File comment: Main Menu at FOV Adjust 0.
2015-02-20_00002.jpg [ 584.37 KiB | Viewed 30863 times ]
File comment: Main Menu at FOV Adjust 20.
2015-02-20_00001.jpg [ 444.13 KiB | Viewed 30885 times ]
File comment: Bullet going where I want in FOV Adjust 0.
2015-02-20_00006.jpg [ 605.45 KiB | Viewed 30834 times ]
File comment: Bullet going where I want in FOV Adjust 20.
2015-02-20_00008.jpg [ 634.29 KiB | Viewed 30890 times ]
File comment: Squad menu issue probably bc I'm at FOV Adjust 20. I did not check FOV Adjust 0 on this screen.
2015-02-20_00009.jpg [ 411.96 KiB | Viewed 30890 times ]
File comment: Pause menu centered.
2015-02-20_00010.jpg [ 345.92 KiB | Viewed 30889 times ]
File comment: Tactical menu working properly.
2015-02-20_00011.jpg [ 691.54 KiB | Viewed 30899 times ]
File comment: Blue reticle on top of door properly. At FOV Adjust 20, it moves around depending on if you're to the left or right of it. Probably because of a z position issue, nothing problematic.
2015-02-20_00012.jpg [ 647.33 KiB | Viewed 30876 times ]
File comment: HUD shows up properly in battle.
2015-02-20_00013.jpg [ 887.28 KiB | Viewed 30897 times ]

Author:  Suspiria [ 25 Mar 2015, 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

FW works with my Mass Effect 1 dvd retail version but not with my Mass Effect 2 dvd retail version, it cannot find the process even if the game is launched
Does anyone know if it is only working with the steam/origin version for me2 and not with the dvd version ?
Probably that the exe for digital version is different there is no securom or whatever protection there is on the dvd.

Author:  Suspiria [ 28 Mar 2015, 17:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

I will answer to myself maybe it will help someone.
FW works only with the english version of the game, I was playing in french and nothing, I reinstalled it in english and it woked.

Author:  astromedia [ 17 Jul 2015, 17:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

any chance to set map only to central monitor to fix marker places or some other compromis like that?

Author:  tricky [ 23 Jul 2015, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 2

Using Flawless Widescreen (thanks Hayden!), finally copied ME2 off my laptop to my desktop, and the game still holds up well and looks great at 5760x1080.

I still have two issues (not dealbreakers) and wondering if anyone has a fix:

1) The star map is not useable when in triple wide as the planetary markers do not align with the planets (they fly around all over the place).
Workaround: In game I change to 1920x1080 before using the star map, get where I need to go, save the game and exit. Then restore the 5760x1080 resolution (I have a bat file that copies back the GamerSettings.ini file) and enjoy.

2) On planetary missions (and sometimes on the ship), my team mates are floating heads and weapons, no bodies. Occasionally during the mission their bodies reappear. I got used to it, but no workaround.

Still an awesome game, 10/10 for me, and I can't wait to finish it and give ME3 a play through.

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