Widescreen Gaming Forum

Spec Ops: The Line
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Author:  HaYDeN [ 30 Jun 2012, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Spec Ops: The Line

Widescreen Grade: A
Multi-monitor Grade: C

Read Full Detailed Report - Spec Ops: The Line

The Line is primarily a third-person shooter with emphasis on utilizing cover and squad-based tactics. The player controls Captain Martin Walker, who is accompanied by a Delta Force team to rescue a U.S. Army Colonel Konrad, who remained behind in Dubai after contact with the city was lost. To accomplish this goal, players must traverse the city to neutralize enemy threats, braving natural disasters and hallucinations.

Various new weapons and equipment become available as play progresses, some dropped by downed enemies. These include several different rifles, handguns, and machine guns, some with alternate firing modes, like attaching a suppressor or using a scope; as well as grenade launchers and hand grenades. Single-player squad commands include focusing fire on a particular target and ordering medical attention to an injured squad member.

A multiplayer mode is also included, with six competitive game types across 7 maps, loadout customization, and community leaderboards and challenges. Yager describes the multiplayer as a campaign that expands the single-player experience. In addition, there will be multiple mode types with at least a few focusing on terrain deformation and expansion.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 02 Jul 2012, 08:40 ]
Post subject:  FOV Fix, Aspect ratio fix and

FOV Fix, Aspect ratio fix and Letterbox removal.

Author:  deztrek [ 03 Jul 2012, 13:56 ]
Post subject:  I have a 4:3 aspect ratio

I have a 4:3 aspect ratio monitor,fixed at 1280 X 1024,even after enabling Flawless Widescreen, Its out of range ,saying 105.2kHz/75Hz

Author:  Gezzer [ 25 Aug 2012, 06:17 ]
Post subject:  I seem to have a problem with

I seem to have a problem with Flawless Widescreen and Spec Ops.
I bought the retail DVD that registers the game threw steam and then updates threw steam as well.
I started the game before knowing that it needed to have the FW running first. I've since upgraded FW to 1.0.8 and have FW and Spec ops plug in running before I start the game.
Sometimes Spec Ops will crash and sometimes it will run. But the FW fix never seems to be applied.
Is there a version miss match because mine is a retail DVD, or something else?

Thanks in Advance.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 25 Aug 2012, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Gezzer wrote:I seem to have a

I seem to have a problem with Flawless Widescreen and Spec Ops.
I bought the retail DVD that registers the game threw steam and then updates threw steam as well.
I started the game before knowing that it needed to have the FW running first. I've since upgraded FW to 1.0.8 and have FW and Spec ops plug in running before I start the game.
Sometimes Spec Ops will crash and sometimes it will run. But the FW fix never seems to be applied.
Is there a version miss match because mine is a retail DVD, or something else?

Thanks in Advance.

I've had a look - turns out it got updated a day or so ago to add Co-Op play or some such.... it's scheduled to be deployed shortly, but in the meantime, you can right click Spec Ops The Line in Flawless Widescreen and click re-install, this will force it to download the latest version.

Do report back wither or not it works OK

Author:  Gezzer [ 25 Aug 2012, 08:40 ]
Post subject:  will dothanks so much

will do
thanks so much :)

Works great now.
You da man HaYDeN.

I guess I should take some pics of my surround rig to post sometime too. :)

Author:  Mightyrouse [ 16 Jul 2014, 21:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spec Ops: The Line

Having trouble getting the game to work at 6400x1080. The main screen will come up on the center monitor and then it'll flicker and the game quits. Is this resolution not doable with this game?

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