Widescreen Gaming Forum

Gods vs Humans
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Author:  scavvenjahh [ 05 May 2012, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Gods vs Humans

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: B
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Gods vs Humans

Not So Fun Fact #1: Probably the only natively Hor+ game that should have been Vert-... for the sake of "towervision" on tallscreen displays. Ah well !
Not So Fun Fact #2: Produced by one of the shortest-lived publishers in the history of digital ditribution (RIP Zallag, 11.2009-04.2011).

Originally developed for the Wii, Gods vs. Humans is an action/strategy game of tower destruction. The player must use divine powers to prevent pesky hubris-driven "humans" to reach the portal to the gods' celestial domain. Whenever one floor is completely ruined, the rest of the building falls down one level, damaging the foundations. Masonry is the enemy, but humans must not be harmed, for it is their happiness that fuels your magic.

The game features four mythological eras and their respective deities (Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Scandinavian and... Japanese ?!) to unleash in campaign mode, free custom game and challenges. However Gods vs. Humans really shines in split-screen Duel mode, which supports two mice - a rare feature in any 1vs1 PC game.





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