Widescreen Gaming Forum

DMZ: North Korea
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Author:  skipclarke [ 01 Apr 2019, 05:49 ]
Post subject:  DMZ: North Korea

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: Incomplete
4k Grade: B

Read Full Detailed Report - DMZ: North Korea

You are a one-man commando with the code name "Loveless" sent into North Korea to discover whether they are secretly developing a nuclear weapons program. You are sent mission objectives through your laptop computer and must sneak around and get photos of key places and events.

Use weapons like submachine guns and rocket-propelled grenades to shoot your way through ten maps. Also, drive one of six vehicles such as jeeps to pursue your enemy. There's an overhead radar map which will show position of any enemies. It uses the Unreal Engine 2 and rag-doll physics.





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