[quote]They are not gonna commit until they are sure Vista will be a hit, so they aren't gonna develop software for it until they see people are gonna buy it.
Of course people are gonna buy Vista - everyone who buys an off-the-shelf or Dell PC will be getting Vista
as standard... it costs more to have XP now, if the places even allow the option! One of my (non-techie) friends just bought a new HP PC, and it has Vista; he's warbling on about how wonderful it is. Then again, he doesn't play games...
Enthusiasts might not flock to Vista in droves - which makes nVidia's reasoning with respect to drivers for the 8800 at the expense of older cards stupid in the extreme because it will be mostly only be enthusiasts who are willing to blow $600 (x2 for SLI) on a GPU...
nVidia's drivers have taken a step back since the introduction of the 90 series. The two biggest plus points for me were the Fixed Aspect Ratio Scaling and (easy) Custom Resolution Addition that ATi didn't have. Now both of those features are broken, nVidia and ATi are on a level playing field with drivers. Especially since ATi have sorted out the (RAM usage) horror of the Catalyst Control Centre with Cat 7.1...
you hit the nail on the head. ATi fix stuff with drivers. nVidia break stuff :lol: