Widescreen Gaming Forum

FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?
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Author:  MisMatch [ 25 Jan 2007, 22:54 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

I would if i had a DS
Old school FF are the best RPG's ever made. Those recent FF games with their flashy graphics can't even get close to the good old FF.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Jan 2007, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

FF3 DS is revamped.

When I saw the preview shots a while back, it looked kinda like FF9...

Author:  CodE-E [ 27 Jan 2007, 10:11 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

I'm waiting on Panzer Tactics. If that's as good as Advance Wars DS, I'll but a DS Lite for sure.

Author:  blueyedsoul [ 29 Jan 2007, 07:18 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

Also, FF Revenant Wings (the sequel to FFXII) will be released for the DS. I think that's sometime this year supposedly.

Author:  Abram [ 30 Jan 2007, 16:22 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?


Author:  DanielTC [ 01 Feb 2007, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

I sent you a message, blueyedsoul.

If you have not figured it out yet . . . you go to a Mog inside a town, talk to it, go to MogHouse in the list of options then "From Faraway Friends."

How far are you in FFIII? I got my third crystal and flying ship. . . and am now ZOMG WTF STUCK, really. I have tried almost everything. I am almost about to the point where I will have to GameFAQ it, which I hate doing.

Oh, I hate how the messaging system works . . . it takes 218321823821 times as long because they have spaces and periods, commas and so on in a seperate page. They should have made it all on 1 thing or at least have the most common ones with the letters.

For the time it took me to type this entire post, it probably took me 5 times as long just to say, "Hi blueyedsoul, this is DanielTC" on FFIII.

Author:  blueyedsoul [ 02 Feb 2007, 19:32 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

I realized that you have to talk to the moogles, but even after I added you in my friends list, your name was greyed out when I tried to send you a mail. Hopefully it will work now that you've sent one to me - thanks for doing that! I totally agree about the complexity of the messaging system; it stinks! But I also just realized I've not been using the touch screen so I think that will help it go a little more quickly.

I'm not as far as you are in the game, but I don't want to post any spoilers here since I know that would upset PS. Admin aggro = bad! :)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 02 Feb 2007, 21:44 ]
Post subject:  FFIII on Nintendo DS - Anyone playing?

Actually, I'm not greatly bothered about spoilers, as long as they're marked appropriately. :)

Hell, I'd read the script of FFX before I ever played the game. And I've played through the first 8 hours or so of the Japanese version with a friend at the time translating for me as we went... 8)

However, thanks for your thoughfulness, blue. ;)

Not much longer 'til it's released in the UK! :D

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