Widescreen Gaming Forum

Alpha Protocol
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Author:  Tanuki [ 10 Jul 2010, 04:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol


Obsidian is the new Troika apparently.

Author:  whismerhill [ 10 Jul 2010, 15:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

it's too bad the game looked promising but it just lacked the final polishing touches ...
there was probably several problems during development

Author:  yogibbear [ 10 Jul 2010, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

it's too bad the game looked promising but it just lacked the final polishing touches ...
there was probably several problems during development

have you actually played it? i don't understand what everyone's problems are with the game. the only polish i can't see is around the keyboard hacking controls. that is the only annoying thing in this game.

Author:  whismerhill [ 10 Jul 2010, 18:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

no I didn't :oops: made my opinion while reading a bunch of reviews, users' & officials' , and a general consensus seemed to arise even for those who loved the game & gave it a high rating ...

edit: I think I need to precise why I said that so here it goes :
Personally I think the game is probably good enough for me to play it & enjoy it more so if it's patched
however I regret that the concept goes to the toilet because of bad metacritic rating
And this metacritic rating could probably be higher if the game was more polished which would probably mean better sales for AP1 and that a second AP would be coming this way...

unlike many people I personally loved NWN2 in its fully patched condition and I loved influencing my companions in KOTOR 2 to get them where I wanted :twisted:

so overall I like obsidian unlike many it seems

Author:  yogibbear [ 10 Jul 2010, 19:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

What is pissing me off about this game is no one can actually say why they don't like it except "haven't played it, not polished enough, too many bugs, etc. etc."

I wish everyone would stop piling on. The game is perfectly fine for what it is. I almost wish this game wasn't multiplatform and just ended up on PC where people would actually judge it for what it was rather than just assume because it runs on UE3 that it must therefore be some sort of third person shooter.

Author:  yogibbear [ 10 Jul 2010, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

no I didn't :oops: made my opinion while reading a bunch of reviews, users' & officials' , and a general consensus seemed to arise even for those who loved the game & gave it a high rating ...

edit: I think I need to precise why I said that so here it goes :
Personally I think the game is probably good enough for me to play it & enjoy it more so if it's patched
however I regret that the concept goes to the toilet because of bad metacritic rating
And this metacritic rating could probably be higher if the game was more polished which would probably mean better sales for AP1 and that a second AP would be coming this way...

unlike many people I personally loved NWN2 in its fully patched condition and I loved influencing my companions in KOTOR 2 to get them where I wanted :twisted:

so overall I like obsidian unlike many it seems

What precisely do you want patched?


Author:  whismerhill [ 10 Jul 2010, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

ok so I guess you won, my back is against the wall
I don't really KNOW what needs to be patched, some just said that : "numerous bugs" "character will sometime slide" "character can become stuck"
"sometimes impossible to aim from cover" "sometimes impossible to take cover" "crazy AI" "sometimes stuck in cover" "often too narrow camera view"

just a few examples, can get you a link but it's not in english

so yeah I guess you win and I need to play it for a more personal opinion, unfortunately that means spending money unless I take the role of the bad pirate which I don't like... so until I get around to buying it, I still need to rely on others to get the feel of it, it's sad but it's life...

I already thought & discussed about ratings with french people & how often they miss the point of a game, underrating it or overrating it but with the sheer amount of media out there, most people will have to accept that we need ratings to filter out what we will finally get and that unfortunately that means often missing on real jewels that exists out there ....

I apologize if you felt offended by anything I said

Author:  yogibbear [ 11 Jul 2010, 17:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

No i wasn't offended i just didn't get what you wanted from the game.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 12 Jul 2010, 05:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

I didn't have any problems with the game... as said, the hacking mini-game is really the only thing terrible about it that I would want patched.

The game's reviews from people who actually played the PC game aren't bad either... PC Gamer gave it an 81. People just pile on this game because they're ignorant and assume one bad console review here and there means the game is terrible. It's a sad statement about where we are as a hobby... Modern Warfare media darling or crap, and in this case that isn't even the right genre.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 22 Jul 2010, 11:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol

I've played through this game twice now and even got a third start going.

I'm also one of the very, very few who has been able to play the game in a 3x1 Eyefinity setup. But, we won't go into that here. There are plenty of posts about this, including some links to screenshots in the other forums for Multi Monitor and Eyefinity.

What I mainly want to address is that this game is FULLY RPG from the git-go! It needs to be played as such.

I'm nearly 62 years old and have slight astigmatism and didn't have any significant problems with any of the hacking...including the computer/keyboard hacking. It DID take a few moments on the first tutorial to determine exactly what it was I needed to focus on. So, from that time on, I simply focused to see the first two characters of the key and then scanned the grid for those two characters. Perhaps people are looking to see all of the characters and that's not necessary.

Another thing, this game really DOES have various endings depending on your decisions throughout the game. This is one of the downfalls of The Witcher, which I've completed SEVEN times now. The ending of The Witcher doesn't vary much at all and I've played it to death. Alpha Protocol, on the other hand, does provide a lot of variety both throughout the game and in how the game ends.

This is one of those games that I'll definitely be spending some more time with down the road.

Finally, I've encountered very, very few bugs/glitches in the game and can only speak for myself regarding how well the game has performed for me.

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