Off course you should make the jump to widescreen. I personally think it'll become the new standard.
It already is. :)
Take it from someone who just got a new Olevia 32" TFT. It rocks man! What are you waiting on? Do you really have to ask? We have been looking through a square box so long (4:3) that we don't see the world right when it's on TV oir on our monitors. Once you see things the way it's meant to be seen people will look ''cone headed'' on 4:3. Take a good look man...Are people's heads 2 feet tall? Noooooooo!!!!!!! :) Should a Marine on the Military channel look skinny? Nooooooo!!!!!!! :) Their vertically stretched. hehe
Our eyes have been ruined. We don't see the world through a picture frame. We see it in front of us and with our periferal vision.
WS? Heck yeah. The only way to game, and the only way to see things the way they really are. If the game doesn't support it screw it...just play it in the res it'll run in, but the ones that do will look way way better and have much better immersion. :)