You really do need to post that in the 2K forums along with that very technical diagram. Let's all thanking 2K forums for letting all us Tallscreengamers finally have a voice in the community.
Can you please post this in the 2K forums. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
They need to see our gratification for this breakthrough.
I don't know if I have the mental fortitude to go back into that mess that is the 2K forums. There are over 100 pages of people trying to explain what widescreen gaming is. Some "get it", and many don't. If those eggheads can't understand the basic fundamentals of widescreen gaming, what in God's green Earth makes you think they would understand my complex chart? Can you imagine trying to introduce Tallscreen gaming while they are still trying to wrap their heads around widescreen gaming? Heads would certainly explode. I just figured you guys here could handle the "truth".
Anyone else can feel free to use the "complex chart" and post it wherever you like. But don't blame me if A)You get stuck explaining the chart to the laymen, or B) they call you an idiot.
And speaking of that,
Does anyone here have any questions either regarding my complex chart or Tallscreen gaming in general? I know that I just kinda threw all of this info in your face expecting you to take it all in and comprehend it. Hell, I don't think I even fully understand it.