Widescreen Gaming Forum

-_- Activision
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Author:  Soduka [ 31 Jul 2009, 03:04 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

This forum is becoming predictable, I want excitement.

Can we get a plugin that causes random explosions of forum posts on screen?

Author:  whismerhill [ 31 Jul 2009, 03:47 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

seems to me that we are a bit far from a discussion or debate ...

you can't say the ocean moves in this direction from a few random waves
you can't draw conclusions based on a single protocol...

even saying that game A was more pirated than game B is wrong in this context. Though you could say that game A was more pirated by BT users than game B. And this goes nowhere since BT is not evenly used through the world ... which is why I tried to widen the subject at some point ...

this is almost the same as political polls. They give tendencies yet sometimes the end result does not follow said tendencies ...

And while you seem to think that the game industry doom is piracy and that it's totally rampant...
Others like one of my trusted french websites say that: we might have better & better scenarios in games in the future since movies are less & less profitable and so games are given more & more attention as a profitable business... (it's a whole article. I just quickly summed up some points)

who's right ? who's wrong ? I'll leave the answer to others than myself.
if you're still interested by piracy one might want to check out Brad Wardell & Stardock on search engines.

Author:  Tanuki [ 31 Jul 2009, 03:53 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 31 Jul 2009, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

you can't draw conclusions based on a single protocol...

Why not? If I base estimations on a single protocol and ignore the existence of other ones, this will certainly result in an underestimate of piracy rates. If I conclude we have a big problem, the fact that my estimate is too small does nothing but reinforce this conclusion.

even saying that game A was more pirated than game B is wrong in this context. Though you could say that game A was more pirated by BT users than game B.

I don't think it's wrong. I see no reason to think that any given recent game should be disproportionately pirated on another protocol.

And this goes nowhere since BT is not evenly used through the world

The potential money isn't evenly distributed through the world either. There's a pretty strong correlation between regions with large PC gamer populations, and regions with lots of BT leechers.

if you're still interested by piracy one might want to check out Brad Wardell & Stardock on search engines.

Brad Wardell and Stardock are a bunch of smug assholes whose arguments rarely amount to more than a load of hot air. Like most of the laughably vague points on their "bill of rights." Since they aren't posting here, I don't care to debate them.

Author:  Mesh [ 31 Jul 2009, 06:27 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

This forum is becoming predictable, I want excitement.

Can we get a plugin that causes random explosions of forum posts on screen?

I second that,

How bout putting an automated post/new thread with a link to a random youtube video? (or better yet to http://www.yooouuutuuube.com)

That ought to cause a bit of mayhem :)

Author:  DaFox [ 31 Jul 2009, 08:55 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision


Author:  X-Warrior [ 31 Jul 2009, 09:41 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

I don't care about numbers. But as long as I'm still being made out for a fool because I pay for my software by just about everyone in my environment, I'd say a 50% piracy estimate is very mild indeed.

Oh, and I don't mind a nice hefty discussion, just as long as the arguments remain good enough :)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 31 Jul 2009, 11:11 ]
Post subject:  -_- Activision

I've had enough of this. Same as always. :(

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