Widescreen Gaming Forum

Final Fantasy XIII
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Author:  landrass [ 17 Jun 2015, 09:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy XIII

any fix?

Author:  JacobVR [ 01 Feb 2016, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy XIII

can list at least ten things I hate about this game.
1. Confusing story
2. What's the best way to make a confusing story even more confusing? Let's tell it out of order!!
3. Awful combat system
4. Can't 100% complete the game until after you beat it
5. The most confusing upgrade system ever in a final fantasy. I went through the entire game with the same weapons because it was too much a pain in the ass to upgrade anything.
6. Eidolons are lame and are barely worth summoning.
7. You can't control who is in your party or who your party leader is until about 75% into the game
8. You can only heal if you are designated a healer (and all other stupid paradigm issues)
9. Way too many cut scenes
10. Literally zero exploring. Run down a narrow path, cut scene, boss. Rinse and repeat.
Good and amazing graphics can't cover up a bad game. Some may have liked this game. But I don't think it's a worthy entry into the series. Let's get XV right and forget this abomination ever happened.

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