Widescreen Gaming Forum

Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS
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Author:  ctrlsteef [ 05 Oct 2006, 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Nah, why, they are krauts right? Ingame that is. :P

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 05 Oct 2006, 12:45 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Yeah, really handy in "overkrauted" situations :lol:

LOL... that's a good one steef!!! :D

Author:  Forsaken [ 05 Oct 2006, 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

The Pause command is located on the Pause/Break button on the keyboard. Not sure if you can remap it. I may plop in on the space bar for easier access.

Author:  SnowBall [ 07 Oct 2006, 00:55 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

:shock: Crikey, the mission after Carenten gets a bit intense! The one where you have to relieve Dog Company!

I keep getting massively overrun by their tanks! Crazy... Anyone got any tips apart from Don't Die! :wink:

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 07 Oct 2006, 10:23 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

:shock: Crikey, the mission after Carenten gets a bit intense! The one where you have to relieve Dog Company!

I keep getting massively overrun by their tanks! Crazy... Anyone got any tips apart from Don't Die! :wink:

Tell me about it, i got seriously beaten up there aswell.

Things you do have to remember is to try to destroy one enemy tank at a time. Build a couple of shermans and surround the german tank. It is possible you loose one but often the german tank is destroyed before one of yours is. Then send the most beaten up Shermans back to your base and let a couple of engineers repair it. In the meantime let the other remaining Shermans defend the place you just conquered. After the Shermans that where damaged are repaired you can move on to the next tactical point.

Also be sure to destroy that German base on the right of the level really early since they reinforce their tanks from there. If it's destroyed you only have to take on against the allready build tanks. Best way to overtake it is by using both your Shermans, a couple of Greyhounds you get in the beginning of the mission and come engineers. Let the Shermans destroy tanks once again, the Greyhounds against the infantry. Then when things are somewhat safe send in the engineers and let them blow up the buildings with the demolitions ability.

Another tip, the Greyhounds are really handy for taking over the bottom right side of the level since there is almost nothing but infantry in that corner. You do need the upgrade though that allows light armor to take over control points.

Hope it helps :wink:

Author:  SnowBall [ 07 Oct 2006, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Most definately! Thanks mate, I'll give it a whirl right now and see how I get on... I originally tried going straight for the base on the right, but then Dog Company got it :oops: oops!

I'll let you know how it goes though...

Thanks again.

Author:  Kon$olE [ 07 Oct 2006, 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Wait till you have to beat Hill 192! (Or was it i 182? 183?) That is a very hard misson.
St. Lo was, IMO, the best mission so far.

Author:  Forsaken [ 08 Oct 2006, 05:51 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

On the Crossroads map I saved Dog company first, and then immediately pushed East and grabbed all the points before moving North to engage the Panzers. It seemed like if I didn't move any farther North from where Dog company was pinned that they didn't bust through as early. So when they did I was already well equipped to take them (Panzers) out. I didn't have too much trouble with the map but it did take me quite a few hours to play through (I play extremely defensively).

Thanks for the tip about the engineers blowing up buildings, ctrlsteef. Takes much less time to let them do it then even having multiple Shermans pound on a building. Plus it's more fun to watch :)

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 08 Oct 2006, 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Wait till you have to beat Hill 192! (Or was it i 182? 183?) That is a very hard misson.
St. Lo was, IMO, the best mission so far.

That's where i'm stuck now :oops:
Damn that mission is hard. :P

Thanks for the tip about the engineers blowing up buildings, ctrlsteef. Takes much less time to let them do it then even having multiple Shermans pound on a building. Plus it's more fun to watch Smile

Most definatly, i think it's one of the biggest explosions you get in the game. :D

Author:  SnowBall [ 08 Oct 2006, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Company Of Heros - Now Out - No FPS

Well I did it, me being a complete idiot didn't know that once the rifle squad had garrisoned in the HQ, I would actually be able to get engineers etc.

I was rescuing Dog Company and then and only then was I starting to build my mini army! :oops:

I did it, although like Forsaken, I play very defensively and it took me a while!!!

Thanks for all your help though guys, will be back here when I get stuck on the next mission! :wink:

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