Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  mr stroke [ 25 May 2012, 05:48 ]
Post subject:  fodder wrote:Sorry for the

Sorry for the question, I am missing somethign I guess. Can you see farther with the windowed fullscreen mode when it goes wide? Or does it make it higher resolution but keep the same field of view?


Sorry for the question, I am missing somethign I guess. Can you see farther with the windowed fullscreen mode when it goes wide? Or does it make it higher resolution but keep the same field of view?


u can see a little further in landscape wide screen, and just higher res and a bit bigger with portrait IMO. Its not really made for multi monitor so in landscape alot of it is dark and some backgrounds are missing on the sides. Still a good experience.

After playing in both Portrait and Landscape, I would say Portrait looks much better

Author:  troopergr [ 25 May 2012, 07:24 ]
Post subject:  I was playing till yesterday

I was playing till yesterday on single screen but I thought I'd give it a try with the full screen windowed mode. I play at 6036x1080 with a 7970.

It is playable, it adds to the immersity and also you can see a lot more on the sides, such as where to go, extra monsters that havent seen you yet etc.

What I dont like is that you miss the chat, some friends were talking to me and I wasnt seeing anything. If you are trading/selling/repairing you have to move the mouse all the way from the left screen to the right and vice versa and its annoying.
Also the minimap is on the far right which is annoying as sometimes when you are close to a waypoint it will blink and you wont see it.

I am really disappointed in blizzard, why they dont add support for this great game when its 90% done anyway, all is missing is some menus etc.

Author:  Zodiak [ 25 May 2012, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  mr stroke wrote:After playing

After playing in both Portrait and Landscape, I would say Portrait looks much better


Well as a portrait mode user, I am happy to hear that. I thought something was being messed up due to me using Portait mode :)

Author:  elmy [ 28 May 2012, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  A few questions about Diablo

A few questions about Diablo 3 here.

So what I'm getting is the wsf is only for ppl using 3D @ 5760 X 1080p ?

Crossfire is not working with the resolution set to window mode @ 5760 X 1080p?

Crossfire is not working when you go into the ini and set the resolution to 5760 X 1080p?

Is there a way to run 5760 X 1080p Eyefinity and get crossfire to work?

Author:  Mixelplix [ 01 Jun 2012, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  yes, you can use Hayden's

yes, you can use Hayden's Flawless Widescreen Fixer. You have to set the in game video options to fullscreen (not fullscreen windowed), and depending on your monitor setup you will need to adjust the settings on the flawless widescreen fixer ui itself (such as 3x1 monitors). I still use the changed config file b/c I was having an occasional white out blink on my active DP port monitor when using this program in game. Otherwise, worked great, but you still can't change position of in game ui (such as chat box,inventory etc).

Author:  Kayden [ 12 Jun 2012, 20:25 ]
Post subject:  I have some good news for

I have some good news for Helifax and HaYDeN, the first round of bans went out for Diablo 3 today with the launch of the RMAH. I have used both of your guys fixes and I did NOT get banned. I am curious to see if any one else might have been, but as far as I can tell it's clear sailing.

EDIT: There seems to be a new update too. *le sigh*

Author:  helifax [ 12 Jun 2012, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Kayden wrote:I have some good

I have some good news for Helifax and HaYDeN, the first round of bans went out for Diablo 3 today with the launch of the RMAH. I have used both of your guys fixes and I did NOT get banned. I am curious to see if any one else might have been, but as far as I can tell it's clear sailing.

EDIT: There seems to be a new update too. *le sigh*

1st part great news!!!
2nd part sucky news:)) need to update it ;))


Author:  Kayden [ 14 Jun 2012, 06:57 ]
Post subject:  Hey guys, curious if we are

Hey guys, curious if we are going to get an update for the latest release or if your still waiting on it since the RMAH hasn't launched in the UK yet.

edit: nm for some reason i had to reload the fix from hayden for it to get the newest ver.

Author:  helifax [ 14 Jun 2012, 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Kayden wrote:Hey guys,

Hey guys, curious if we are going to get an update for the latest release or if your still waiting on it since the RMAH hasn't launched in the UK yet.

edit: nm for some reason i had to reload the fix from hayden for it to get the newest ver.

I checked it last evening. I didn't see any updates in Europe yet. I also saw dopefish updated the plugin with the latest release of WSF. Isn't that one working for you?

Author:  HaYDeN [ 14 Jun 2012, 12:29 ]
Post subject:  Both Flawless Widescreen and

Both Flawless Widescreen and Widescreen Fixer have been updated and are working with v1.0.2.9991 so take you're pick.

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