Widescreen Gaming Forum

World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!
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Author:  GunstarSilver [ 29 Mar 2006, 08:26 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

Included in general additions:

Added support for widescreen video resolutions.


Anyone know more about this?

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 29 Mar 2006, 08:34 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

That's what I said here ... :wink: :P

Author:  CodE-E [ 29 Mar 2006, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

Does "widescreen video resolutions" mean HDTV resolutions? Cause 16:10 widescreen resolutions have been supported since the beta years ago.

Author:  royal [ 29 Mar 2006, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

Does "widescreen video resolutions" mean HDTV resolutions? Cause 16:10 widescreen resolutions have been supported since the beta years ago.

I was wondering the same myself. WoW has supported 1680x1050 for a long time.

Author:  GunstarSilver [ 30 Mar 2006, 11:06 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

Apologies Paddy,

Had a brief scan through that post and missed your post.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 30 Mar 2006, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

No worries ... 8)

It's a shame it doesn't seem to making any difference.

Author:  CodE-E [ 30 Mar 2006, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

It doesn't make any difference because it was always working in the first place. :)

Author:  GunstarSilver [ 31 Mar 2006, 12:36 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

I can't seem to find anyting over in the official forum yet, I had the feeling that they were perhaps supporting additional resolutions or something, or ironed out bugs with certin graphics cards/drivers. There is no easy way to search "widescreen" over on that forum anyway.

Author:  skipclarke [ 02 Apr 2006, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

It doesn't make any difference because it was always working in the first place. :)

Someone posted a while back, with screens to back up his claim, that WoW didn't really implement widescreen in a proper way. I think he said that the FOV was unchanged and that the view was stretched horizontally?

Not sure if this was the case, since I cancelled my wow account ages ago. Perhaps someone could look into this further?

Author:  CodE-E [ 03 Apr 2006, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft added widescreen support in 1.10 patch!

Strech, it's bulls***. The FoV always has been fine. It's a bit hard to see in screenshots because when you switch from 4:3 to 16:10 the player camera zooms in a tiny bit. You can zoom back a bit again to make it obvious that the FoV's changed.

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