Widescreen Gaming Forum

Upcoming Games List (PC of course)
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Author:  illuminati [ 15 Oct 2006, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

I don't know if its only me, but I never seem to be able to keep up with whats coming out - so i thought id just write a little list of games coming out soon (as in 20th October onwards).

Here goes:

20th October

Football Manager 2007

Battlefield 2142

The Sims 2: Pets

Age of Empires 3: War Chiefs (Expansion Pack)

Ceasar IV

Hellgate: London (im sure a lot of you are waiting for this!)

Jaws Unleashed (lol)

27th October

Warhammer 40,000: Darn of War Dark Crusade (Expansion Pack)

Guild Wars: Nightfall

Pro Evo 6

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Anthology

Might and Magic: Dark Messiah (cant wait)

F.E.A.R Extraction Point (Expansion Pack)

Star Wars Empire At War: Forces of Corruption (Expansion Pack)

Splinter Cell 4: Double Agent (cover reminds me of hitman..)

Sid Meier's Railroads

Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania (Expansion Pack)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Zoo Tycoon 2: Zookeeper Collectiopn

Helicopter Assault

AGON: The Mysterious Codex

Atari Hits 2006

Carte Blanche

Cresent Suzuki Racing

Earache Extreme Metal Racing (what will they come up with next?)

Euro Jet Fighers

GT-R 400

GT-R Touring

Gulf War: Desert Storm

MIG Alley Gold

Myst: Ultimate Compilation


World of Rollercoaster Tycoon

3rd November

Neverwinter Nights 2

NFS: Carbon Collectors Edition

FIFA Manager 07

NFS: Carbon

Desperate Housewives (lol)

Anno 1701

Half Life 2: Holiday Collection

10th November

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (Expansion Pack)

Medieval 2: Total War

Unreal Anthology

Quite a few more but i'll stop it there, although there are a few I must mention:

24/11/2006 - Warhammer: Mark of Chaos

01/12/2006 - Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth II: The Rise Of The Witch King (Expansion pack)

12/01/2007 - BioShock

01/02/2007 - Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

30/03/2007 - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

30/03/2007 - Crysis

30/03/2007 - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

30/03/2007 - S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Does anyone see the 30th of March being a very expensive day? :D :D

01/05/2007 - Unreal Tournament 2007

Some really nice games in there, at least 10 im looking forward to.

Hope this is useful for someone.

Author:  yourwar [ 15 Oct 2006, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

I know there is no official date for release but you can't forget Spore! Should be coming out sometime next year though. December 31st 2007 for Europe.

Author:  illuminati [ 15 Oct 2006, 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Never heard of Spore, but the release date i see is:


Author:  Korven [ 15 Oct 2006, 23:10 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Nice list. Hellgate: London aint coming out 20th Oct though. It's coming sometime next year.

Author:  yourwar [ 15 Oct 2006, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Never heard of Spore, but the release date i see is:


You should look into it. It looks like it is going to be a KICK ASS game! You can check out pics and vids on IGN.

Author:  Microtia [ 16 Oct 2006, 00:12 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Somebody that hasn't heard of spore?! :shock:. Unpossible! :P

Author:  illuminati [ 16 Oct 2006, 02:18 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Aye i don't find time to keep up with games these days, specially since my subscription to pcgamer ran out - never had the spare cash to renew it.

I don't claim that all the dates are completely accurate, i guess its a bit of a wait and see list, you know what games dev's are like - or any software dev's for that matter.

Author:  Klisto1 [ 16 Oct 2006, 02:53 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

this is already out I beleve.

Warhammer 40,000: Darn of War Dark Crusade (Expansion Pack)

Author:  yourwar [ 16 Oct 2006, 03:04 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

The only games I'm really looking forward to are:

WoW: Burning Crusade (Collector's Edition)
Viva Pinata (Xbox 360)
F.E.A.R. (Xbox 360)

Aaaand that's about it....

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 16 Oct 2006, 08:36 ]
Post subject:  Upcoming Games List (PC of course)

Spore looks fun from the movies I've seen of it but i think it will be a bit repetetive after some time. Sure you can build different creatures every time but i think the concept of the game will be the same everytime apart from the creatures looking different.

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