Widescreen Gaming Forum

KINGPIN: Life of Crime
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Author:  REONxsp [ 23 Oct 2006, 20:14 ]
Post subject:  KINGPIN: Life of Crime

I know this game is already mentioned in this forum but if anybody finds out how to run this game in widescreen (nonscretch) mode write a reply please.

(I tried to add some unofficial resolutions into config.cfg but without success. It seems this game supports only 4:3 modes).

Author:  StinkyMojo [ 24 Oct 2006, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  KINGPIN: Life of Crime

If I remember correctly, Kingpin uses the Quake 2 engine... if that helps with anything..

Author:  REONxsp [ 24 Oct 2006, 18:43 ]
Post subject:  Kingpin

I know it uses Quake II engine but Quake II (the game) is able to run successfully in widescreen mode only when some aprq2 engine is used and I don't know whether it is possible to use this aprq2 in Kingpin. If it is possible to use aprq2 somehow I am sure there are many people who will be glad to see some solution.

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 25 Oct 2006, 05:14 ]
Post subject:  KINGPIN: Life of Crime

Did you get it going? I never saw the point in playing a game that reminded me of a day at work. :P

Author:  REONxsp [ 25 Oct 2006, 08:39 ]
Post subject:  Kingpin: Life of crime

It is possible to play Kingpin on widescreens but it is stretched (because you can only chose between 4:3 modes). I don't know how to use aprq2 here and I hope someone will tell us how to do it (if possible).

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