Widescreen Gaming Forum

1366X768 support?
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Author:  probeski [ 14 Dec 2006, 12:19 ]
Post subject:  1366X768 support?

Hi, Can you tell me how widely supported 1366X768 is for widescreen PC games? I am mainly wishing to flay FPS games; newer ones and some older ones like unreals, quakes etc. Will i have less support compared to the resolutions commonly found on widescreen pc monitors being sold at the moment? I wish to use a panasonic 50" PH9 with a HTPC.

Author:  SlyJavi [ 20 Dec 2006, 03:34 ]
Post subject:  1366X768 support?

Hi probeski,

I can play pretty much any game that is 'Widescreen Confirmed' with my 1366x768 HP LCD. I use a custom res of 1368x768, since resolutions need a multiple of 8.

As well, I use the 'Dot by Dot' setting with my LCD and the 1368x768 res fits the screen perfectly. The 2 lost pixels are not noticeable. If you use 1360x768, you will have a 6 pixel black bar on the side of the screen using the 'Dot by Dot' setting. Not acceptable in my book.

As long as, you have made a custom resolution using Powerstrip for ATi, or Nvidia Control panel for Nvidia, set @ 1368x768 with the timings for your display, you should have no problems.

Once I did this, the 1368x768 resolution was selectable in-game in the resolution list. Now, all games are different, so don't expect to see the 1368x768 res listed in all your games. Some, of course, need the fix --> http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/wiki/index.php?title=Master_Games_List_-_A

Anyways, good luck and happy gaming!

Author:  Cornflake [ 20 Dec 2006, 04:11 ]
Post subject:  1366X768 support?

Most games that allow widescreen resolutions should work fine with that type of resolution (Like Sly said, the one 2 pixels off so it's a miltiple of 8 ) in games like HL2. Unfortunatley though, some games that don't have great widescreen implementation probably won't have that in the list because it isn't nearly as widley used... It's a hit or miss sometimes.

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