Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battle Stations Midway
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Author:  maherie [ 08 Feb 2007, 13:46 ]
Post subject:  Battle Stations Midway

Just ordered it on play.com

Anyone else interested in this game?

Wonder if it supports widescreen?

Author:  miwche [ 21 Feb 2007, 11:32 ]
Post subject:  Battle Stations Midway

yes, it does support widescreen.
it's a OK game although it's a bit arcade-ish.
the best thing is the ability to switch between units and therefore experience a lot more action than just straight strategy.

Author:  maherie [ 21 Feb 2007, 14:23 ]
Post subject:  Battle Stations Midway

I've only installed it and not had a chance to play it, tonight should be the night I get to see what it's about.

Author:  BigTex71 [ 26 Feb 2007, 04:50 ]
Post subject:  Battle Stations Midway

I've only installed it and not had a chance to play it, tonight should be the night I get to see what it's about.

Well, how is it?

Author:  maherie [ 26 Feb 2007, 09:53 ]
Post subject:  Battle Stations Midway

Well to be honest matey, I'm not really impressed, now I've only done a quick few missions and not tried the campaign, but overall, I'm pushing towards a let down of a game.

I'll post more on it tomorrow for you.

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