Widescreen Gaming Forum

Insurgency, HL2 Mod.
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Author:  -=PLuKE=- [ 04 Jul 2007, 00:13 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

Just seen some bits about it, The trailer looked really good and so does some of the screen shots!, Abit like BF2 but more street based and the graphics look bloody good!. Anybody else played it yet, Dunno if its widescreen? I would of thought so as its a HL2.


Author:  ctrlsteef [ 04 Jul 2007, 07:47 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

Link for the lazy people. :)

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 04 Jul 2007, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

I got the 700MB mod, I think it's garbage.. but with some changes it could be good. It needs crosshairs, the movement needs to be more reactive, as well as many other things.

Author:  -=PLuKE=- [ 04 Jul 2007, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

The graphics looks really good, I have heard that there is an new update coming out for it as they FPS are really bad even on hi spec PC's. Give it a few months and it should be better, Look at BF2 they buggered that up at the start/mid way thought.

Link, http://www.insmod.net/media


Author:  infernus [ 09 Jul 2007, 05:44 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

Gave it a run today, pretty fun. Reminds me of DoD but with the whole modern warfare theme. And I loved me some DoD...

Sadly, my machine kinda dribbled by; I'm terrified to look outside. FPS drops so damn hard...
I know I need a new machine... ><
Hopefully what you say is true and they'll release some optimizations or something.

Author:  DaFox [ 09 Jul 2007, 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

I have played abit of it and was not all that impressed, it looks great runs ok on my system (down to 30fps outside though) My main problems with it are its Slightly too realistic, i personally beleave you should have a crosshair while standing still that goes away while when you move (much like CoD2) and i dont like how your gun moves around the screen before your screen starts looking around, i like my gun to always point/aim in the middle and not move.

Author:  infernus [ 09 Jul 2007, 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

That's the thing though, they are going for realism. As close as they can, at least. I personally think the current system is fine; I mean, does anyone in real life move and hold their weapon like they were playing Q3/UT? The obvious downside is that you're less accurate, but a big part of the game is learning this mechanic.

I cry girly tears when I walk outside. :'(

Author:  DaFox [ 09 Jul 2007, 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

Oh the only other thing that ticks me off is that you cant see who you have killed.

I know theres no kill counter, and you cant see when you have killed anyone in real life. But its a part of gaming, and the fun in FPS games is killing people.

Author:  infernus [ 09 Jul 2007, 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

Once again, they decided to move from the whole "fragging" theme and put in a truly objective-based game. How many times have you actually planted a bomb in CS?
I would however, like to know who killed me though. I think I deserve at least that much. :O

Author:  DaFox [ 09 Jul 2007, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Insurgency, HL2 Mod.

How many times have you actually planted a bomb in CS?

A couple thousand times.

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