Widescreen Gaming Forum

Widescreen res?
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Author:  Jedediah [ 29 Oct 2007, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen res?

Hey again guys. finally got a widescreen to test some games with. This one is a Dell SP2008WFP 20" widescreen. For the most parts its a sharp screen but suffers with color bleeds. ( I believe its called that. Its where one side of the screen has a certain color leaking over everything. In my case, red)

But anyway, I have a noob question. I need to learn screen res now. So I can understand what is a widescreen res and what isn't.

Take a look at that screen shot and if anyone would mind, point out the res I would select for widescreen. :D

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 29 Oct 2007, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen res?

Just divide the horizontal resolution by the vertical resolution. If the result is 1.33 or less, it isn't widescreen. If it's greater than 1.33, then it is widescreen. Typical PC widescreen resolutions are 1.6 times wider than tall, and typical TV widescreen resolutions are 1.78 times wider than tall.

For you, you should use 1680x1050 whenever possible. That is your monitor's native resolution. That means your monitor actually has a physical array of pixels that is 1680 pixels wide and 1050 pixels tall.

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