Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Witcher?
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Author:  Gecko [ 10 Nov 2007, 02:21 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Anyone else playing it?

I'm just downloading (purchased) it now.

Looks like it cool be a cool game...we'll see.

Author:  JosephJEHancock [ 10 Nov 2007, 03:25 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

I'm liking it so far.

Author:  Flo [ 10 Nov 2007, 14:22 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

The combat system took me some getting used to. Otherwise it's a good, but not great, RPG.

To those in the US I'd recommend buying the UK version of the game, as your M-rated version is censored.

Author:  Gecko [ 12 Nov 2007, 05:40 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Yeah, I live in Canada but I downloaded the UK version.

LMAO, great game - I'm loving it. The dialogue alone is a fresh change from the politically correct norm...

P.S. Runs perfectly on my rig, everything canked up. Auto-detected my resolution, etc. as well. No bugs yet. Running the 1.1 patch.

Author:  schlaufer [ 12 Nov 2007, 16:38 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Does one of you guys run the game in 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 resolution?
If anybody of you can test it in those res's, I'd complete my detailed report.

Author:  Destroy [ 13 Nov 2007, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Yes, I play the game with zero issues at 19x10 right from the video menu.

Author:  KamiCrazy [ 13 Nov 2007, 22:35 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

It auto detected everything for me fine.

One of the best games ever in terms of its ability to autodetect settings.

I love to tweak to get max performance and eye candy but I found that I didn't actually have to change anything at all.

Btw I run at 1920x1200.

Author:  moleman [ 09 Dec 2007, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

I've been playing it all weekend, fantastic game and perfect widescreen support. Everyone should play it, best game of 2007 for sure.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 10 Dec 2007, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Patch 1.2 should be coming out soon and its supposed to improve the load times... so I've started playing other things for now.

Great game though, I love playing immersive fantasy games on cold winter nights.

Author:  Gecko [ 14 Dec 2007, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  The Witcher?

Great game though, I love playing immersive fantasy games on cold winter nights.

Totally! :)

I am really liking this game.

Now where did I put that bouquet of flowers... :twisted: :D

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