Widescreen Gaming Forum

Saints Row 2
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Author:  maherie [ 11 Feb 2009, 08:15 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

Anyone here enjoying this one? Thought that there would be laods of people all over it. But no hype about it in here!?!?

Author:  Frag Maniac [ 11 Feb 2009, 09:29 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

I tried it and IMHO it sucks big time. Poorly optimized, terrible graphics, clunky movement, very dumb arcade-like gameplay, and overly simplistic missions with highlighted spots telling you where to go. This is like a really bad GTA wannabe game with a certain Midnight Club idiocy to it. Hey, but that's just my take. After all, you wanted to know.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 11 Feb 2009, 11:22 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

Well, Zero Punctuation actually seemed to like Saints Row 2, so I was wondering about picking it up.

Then a realised that I've got more than enough stuff to be playing already... ;)

From the sounds of it, it's like a Full!Sandbox!GTA. I'm not too bothered about slightly dated graphics if the gameplay is fun. Am kind of worried about it being just a poor console port, though.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 11 Feb 2009, 11:36 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

Same here. I don't see why there should be any hype to begin with. Mafia 2 is on the way, I wait for GTA4 to hit the bargain bin because of the DRM and nightmarish installation, so I think I'll wait for Saints Row 2 to be as cheap as it looks. We'll see which'll be first to make it onto my HDD :lol:

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 11 Feb 2009, 12:37 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

The patch greatly increased performance in the game, which was nice, but it still runs much worse than it should, looking at it.

It's basically a fun minigame version of Grand Theft Auto, if that's your thing. If San Andreas was your favorite GTA game then you should buy Saint's Row 2.

Author:  Tanuki [ 02 Oct 2009, 15:45 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

I enjoyed this a lot more than GTA4. Solid. A shame I skipped this over for so long.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 03 Oct 2009, 08:37 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

Just bought a cheap copy of SR2 and... I realized a bit too late this thing is Steam-powered. I also noticed FEAR 2 (boxed) is now a bargain... Will I eventually "have to" join the Steam crowd and feed Fat Boy Gabe like everybody else ? :? :lol:

Author:  DaFox [ 03 Oct 2009, 08:58 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

nothing wrong with steam.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 03 Oct 2009, 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

nothing wrong with steam.

Some people object to the loss of some ownership feeling.

It bugs me on rare occassion, but mostly I don't mind.

Author:  Destroy [ 09 Oct 2009, 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Saints Row 2

Had I known this was a Steam game I would not of bought it also. Steam is just too darn big brother and I dislike that.

SR2 is a great game if you can manage to run the driving parts with out stuttering. I've shelved the game till I do my next major system update, I get stutter badly even on my Raid 0+C2D4.0ghz setup.

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