Widescreen Gaming Forum

Pc keeps crashing on multiscreen gaming.
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Author:  bloomstomb [ 06 Apr 2012, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Pc keeps crashing on multiscreen gaming.

hello guys. I have played games with multi monitors in the past. Recently I just switched over to 3x gtx480 from 280s and the 2 games I have tried to run in multiscreen have both completely crashed the computer.. no bluescreen but computer just freezes and I cant do anything, like alt f4 , ctrl alt delete etc.

Is this indicative of a problem with one (or more) of the video cards? Is there a way to test them definitively?

Author:  Haldi [ 07 Apr 2012, 13:59 ]
Post subject:  I'd say its a driver

I'd say its a driver Problem!
Do you have a 2nd Harddrive or 30-40gb free space?
Make Windows reinstall, if it works you can try to fix the problem on Main Windosw. Or migrate data to new one!

What about the PSU?
System with 3 480 drains about 750W or more! You have energy consumption meassure stuff?

And about the heat... watercooled? 480s are getting HOT and i think you got them all together with no space inbetween right?
GPU-Z or other tools says what for temperature while gaming? Over 85 celsius?

If you think one of the Cards is broken, just unplug 2 and test each card on its own with Furmark for 10-15 minutes.



Author:  bloomstomb [ 07 Apr 2012, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Haldi wrote:I'd say its a

I'd say its a driver Problem!
Do you have a 2nd Harddrive or 30-40gb free space?
Make Windows reinstall, if it works you can try to fix the problem on Main Windosw. Or migrate data to new one!

What about the PSU?
System with 3 480 drains about 750W or more! You have energy consumption meassure stuff?

And about the heat... watercooled? 480s are getting HOT and i think you got them all together with no space inbetween right?
GPU-Z or other tools says what for temperature while gaming? Over 85 celsius?

If you think one of the Cards is broken, just unplug 2 and test each card on its own with Furmark for 10-15 minutes.



Hi thanks for the reply. I have tried different drivers. Whats weird is the ENTIRE pc is freezing. Its not even a bluescreen. All the cards are watercooled, never go over 45c. Im going to test each card seperately now. if you can think of anything else let me know .

Author:  Haldi [ 07 Apr 2012, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  I assumed you would have

I assumed you would have tested some drivers before! Thats why i sayd fresh clean window install! You never know what goes wrong by driver updates! And it might be another problem with windows!

So if you have fresh windows install and all 3 Cards in single mode tested, it's either PSU or Mainboard that has an hardware defect!

Edit: you didn't Overclock the 480s did you?

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