Widescreen Gaming Forum

World of Warcraft
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Author:  joedeath332 [ 02 Jun 2012, 10:32 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft

Hi guys i have found myself this great site thanks to watching one of Swiftys Videos on you tube.
I recently set up my eyefinity with 3 x 24" monitors running @ 6048 x 1080 to run iRacing which it ran good with
I have now again started to play World of Warcraft with my 3 monitor set up and it displays across the 3 screens ok but here is my problem
The images on the side screens seems so stretched and as in if you pass a mob on the center screen he looks fine ,, but as you move along and he gets to the side screen he is like twice as wide , same goes for tree's etc
Is there anyway i can fix this issue

Thanks guys

Author:  Sh4dowking [ 02 Jun 2012, 12:35 ]
Post subject:  that is natural i think, i

that is natural i think, i have it too. thats how widescreens works.

I don't think u can fix it. But who knows, i like to know it too if it can be fixed.

Author:  joedeath332 [ 02 Jun 2012, 20:55 ]
Post subject:  I have seen some footage on

I have seen some footage on you tube of Swiftys setup and his seemed bearable, mine is to the extent where the images at the side are like twice as wide as the images center screen at times.
I wounder if its to do with the bezel adjustments , but i think mine are set up fine as with iRacing the lines in the tracks and the wallls lined up ok

Author:  Haldi [ 03 Jun 2012, 16:08 ]
Post subject:  mhmm wow, reminds me of

mhmm wow, reminds me of "Screenshot or didn't happen". fits quite right here :) as a pciture tells more than a thousand words.

Author:  joedeath332 [ 03 Jun 2012, 23:37 ]
Post subject:  took a SS here to prove it

took a SS here to prove it happened :)


As you can see the characters on the side screens get wider the further you get from the center , this is far worse when going past larger objects.

Author:  joedeath332 [ 20 Jun 2012, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  I guess due to the lack of

I guess due to the lack of replies,, there is nothing i can do about the distortion / wide characters on the side screens ( further from the center character = worse it gets )

Author:  Haldi [ 20 Jun 2012, 22:42 ]
Post subject:  jep, thats completly

jep, thats completly normal.

Don't worry, after some time you're acustomed to that effect.

Author:  joedeath332 [ 23 Jun 2012, 09:59 ]
Post subject:  Cheers for the reply,, just

Cheers for the reply,, just gutted wow looks so sucky on 3 screens :(

Author:  EdSurly [ 12 Jul 2012, 03:16 ]
Post subject:  I came here for the specific

I came here for the specific reason to try and find a fix for this problem as well. Like you said, iRacing is awesome with three screens but that is to be expected with a product as spectacular as that one is. I mean, what other game asks for the distance from all three monitors to your eye? And angle? I think iRacing has spoiled us to three monitor setups. With WoW I think the problem is the game "camera". It must be that the "size" of the camera is such that we get a fish-eye effect. This persists in first person view also.

It really does suck, WoW shouldn't have received a perfect score for multi-monitor support, that's for sure.

Author:  joedeath332 [ 12 Jul 2012, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  You would like to think with

You would like to think with the release of the up and coming MOP expansion that they would add support for multi monitor setups , but i highly doubt it as that will just cost them money and not being in any extra revenue.

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