No matter how old you are or how long your gaming history is, the chances are you still remember what intially caught your attention, sometimes for hours. That something that makes a game a game, that amalgamation of shapes, colors, sounds mixed in with emotions. With time, the standards for gaming have changed drastically, what we look for in games has stayed the same. With the gaming market rapidly growing, especially in the mobile domain, everybody is trying to get a piece of the cake that is made up of the mobile gaming industry. More often than not, instead of producing something unique, something really worth playing, developers sacrifice quality over time and development costs. Sometimes, the lack of imagination is at fault. Finding a game on the mobile platform, that provides a truly immersive and intruiding experience requires alot of effort to say the least. It seems that rather than creating something new and unique, developers are trying to ride the wave of success of other developers by producing similarly built games with only a few changeups in overall gameplay. I can not be the only one who gets the feeling that the mobile gaming industry is just about copying each other, who can make the best knock-off of a knock-off. Imagination and creativity have been abandoned, the greatness of a game is only valued of it ability to generate income, not paying attention to whether it actually serves its purpose.