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Windows 8 and PC Gaming
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Author:  Tanuki [ 28 Jul 2012, 03:12 ]
Post subject:  Windows 8 and PC Gaming

Windows 8 is not the most popular thing for some big names in the PC industry.




Wading through the hyperbole I think we are moving towards closed systems and it is inevitable($$$). That isn't all bad as it could lead to a universal gaming platform...made up of free browser games.

Why does Windows always bite every other OS?


Author:  Sh4dowking [ 28 Jul 2012, 10:45 ]
Post subject:  Yes, i already readed some

Yes, i already readed some posts yesterday and I readed that microsoft asks much money to produce a game on windows 8 and that may cause that small game companies dont have a change againt bigger companies.

I have already used the windows 8 beta and i don't like it really much. I just gonna stay with windows 7.

Author:  Tanuki [ 28 Jul 2012, 18:47 ]
Post subject:  I want to say the cut of the

I want to say the cut of the sales is for the Metro-enabled games only. Basically it is Microsoft's app store.

I think the big concern from some circles is MS eventually forcing everything through its own service.

Author:  skeeder [ 30 Jul 2012, 15:29 ]
Post subject:  I remember reading an article

I remember reading an article of a technology analyst demanding that Google and Apple denounce themselves as technology companies because of the massive horrids of cash not dedicated to RMD.

It is interesting the world we are living in. Microsoft's windows 7 is distantly similar to the Apple OS. The store seems like the next logical step. I think we will see one platform for windows tablets and computers that will allow inter connectivity between devices at a level Apple could only wish for. I see Windows 8 being a good forerunner for that universal platform. The 'metro' and 'store' will really be utilized more in touch-pads, and e-readers rather than desktops.

Gabe's 'hedge' by investing time into Linux is...Frankly, hilarious from an analytic point of view. Linux is still the 'geek' OS despite its attempts it has never been good with gaming or AMD drivers. It IS powerful, but not userfriendly enough to make it into an appropriate alternative. If I was an investor I would be over at Gabe's office demanding his business plan for this before we hedged a 70% market share with a 7% market share after much time and money.

On a personal note: I've always been a fan of Valve and Gabe. Frankly, I wish I could work for him! (I live in MI and never want to live in CA, but for this I'd make the exception) I always understood alot of his moves but this frankly doesn't make sense! These statements are more of a child mad that someone built a lemonade stand next to his so he moves to another neighborhood and attempts to improve the neighborhood's traffic and demographics in order to sell lemonade. Possible? yes... Probable? No.

Author:  Bifurk8 [ 01 Aug 2012, 01:46 ]
Post subject:  I think Gabe's engaging in

I think Gabe's engaging in hyperbole and being a bit idealistic when discussing Linux. I think the point is that Linux is a completely open system versus Windows and Mac OS which are moving towards more walled gardens. I generally prefer an open system to a closed one, but Apple did really well with the iPhone and app store business model. They were selling something so slick, well designed, and new that you couldn't get a comparable experience anywhere else. And then, they locked me in to it with the proprietary music, video, and app purchases. While I find it admirable to support open systems and I think it's a smart business move to get Steam on as many devices as possible, it's amusing to me that Steam is becoming more and more of a walled garden platform for my gaming.

Author:  Tanuki [ 28 Sep 2012, 21:42 ]
Post subject:  http://www.gamespot.com/news/


Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson has spit venom at Microsoft and its new Windows 8 operating system. The developer explained over Twitter that he received an email from Microsoft asking for help to certify Minecraft for Windows 8, to which he responded with sharp, cutting words about the new platform.

"I told them to stop trying to ruin the PC as an open platform," he said.

Author:  Haldi [ 29 Sep 2012, 01:29 ]
Post subject:  seems like only every 4th

seems like only every 4th tester of Windows 8 Likes it :)


Author:  Tanuki [ 29 Sep 2012, 04:37 ]
Post subject:  Approve!http://technotaku.c



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