Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
Page 103 of 148

Author:  dopefish [ 21 Jan 2012, 04:01 ]
Post subject:  Someone from Russia emailed

Someone from Russia emailed me and brought up localization.

At first I thought that this was a low-priority task because I figured it would take a lot of research and time to implement. It turns out it's ridiculously easy to add support.

So if anyone is willing to, and would like to see Widescreen Fixer support more languages, download the test version and go through each page, translate the text, and email it to me (or post PM it to me here).


Author:  dopefish [ 21 Jan 2012, 06:36 ]
Post subject:  I just uploaded a new test

I just uploaded a new test version.

This version includes a plugin for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 that lets you adjust the FOV for single-player.

Author:  dopefish [ 21 Jan 2012, 19:00 ]
Post subject:  I'm going to spend the next

I'm going to spend the next few days primarily on porting the existing plugins from Widescreen Fixer 2.x and incorporating automatic display detection into every plugin. While AMD Eyefinity support is not working with automatic detection currently, when I do get it implemented it will automatically just work.

After I get the old plugins ported I think I'll do a stable release of it and then continue working on the SVN version.

Author:  dopefish [ 22 Jan 2012, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  Ghost Recon plugin has been

Ghost Recon plugin has been ported over.

New test version is up.


Author:  dopefish [ 24 Jan 2012, 00:31 ]
Post subject:  A plugin for Singularity has

A plugin for Singularity has been added.

New test version is up.


Author:  The-Hunter [ 25 Jan 2012, 21:54 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen Fixer wont fix MW3 anymore


Ealier today I could play MW3 without problems with widescreen fixer at all, it all worked and looked as always. But now later today, widescreen fixer will not fix MW3, and everything are updated, but it wont still work :( :(. Anyone that can tell me whats going on? Because in Black Ops widescreen fixer fix it as always, just not MW3 multiplayer AND MW3 single player. I really dont get this, so please help!

Author:  The-Hunter [ 25 Jan 2012, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  NVM me

Sorry I just released that there have been an update to MW3 today -_- so now its v1.4.382 and not v1.4.368 So I guess thats why the fix dosent work :O

Author:  thm655321 [ 25 Jan 2012, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Does not work for me either

Does not work for me either after today's update. it's funny, I have only had my triple display for a couple of weeks and played lots of MW3 before that but now I won't bother to play now until widescreen fixer is updated.

Author:  stoneeyelid [ 26 Jan 2012, 03:13 ]
Post subject:  new version not working

Hello All,

I'm new to the fourm, but have been using widescreenfixfer for about three weeks. As you know an update for MW3 was released today and dopefish posted an update on the test site.

I removed the previous version of widescreenfixer, rebooted and downloaded the new. Problem is it won't load. I get the following message... "Widescreen Fixer has stopped working".

Just to be safe I uninstalled .net framwork and reinstalled with a fresh download of .net framwork 4.0 and also loaded C++ 2010 SP1 x64 as sugguested. After rebooting I get the same message as above.

Here are the details....

"problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: widescreen fixer.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4f208c2c
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4e1823db
Problem Signature 07: 25a3
Problem Signature 08: d
Problem Signature 09: System.NotSupportedException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: f0c5
Additional Information 2: f0c5e4259859b6ea564e9bdc2d661ad1
Additional Information 3: a853
Additional Information 4: a853517196dc527a0fff238706d1bf26

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Any idea what the issue is? I've been banging my head on this for three hours and want to play!!!! :(

Thank you,
Robert Barker
Austin TX

Author:  thm655321 [ 26 Jan 2012, 03:24 ]
Post subject:  Stoneeyelid, I had the same

Stoneeyelid, I had the same problem the other day. What worked for me, and I have no idea why, was I moved the folder that contained the widescreen folders to a different directory and it worked straight away. Again your mileage may vary...

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