Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
Page 52 of 148

Author:  Abram [ 11 Jul 2010, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I figured it'd be on WSGF.... maybe i jsut don't see it.

So, here my copy, latest version. I'm pretty sure all game /dlls are in there... i just got it a few days ago.


Author:  escrotumus [ 12 Jul 2010, 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

Thanks mate. I tried mw2 with that fixer and it works well other than the fact that clicking the options in the menus gets all messed up in surround where you have to click like 3 inches to the left to make it register. Sometimes even the arrow up and down does not work either. Haven't tried this version with any other game so far other than mw2. Weird.

Author:  Abram [ 12 Jul 2010, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

It's like that throughout all versions I've used.. Except when you're actually in a map, then the menus get unsquished, but are still misplaced - though clicking them is accurate.

It's a blemish I'm more than willing to put up with. The picture is fine and the HUD is good with the WS fixer.

Author:  dopefish [ 15 Jul 2010, 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

The site was momentarily down. It's back up and running. I made a post on twitter about the status of it. http://twitter.com/blooguard

Operation of the site may be intermittent until I get everything back to the way it was before.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Author:  dopefish [ 16 Jul 2010, 08:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I've moved the site to http://www.widescreenfixer.org/

Author:  GitDat [ 18 Jul 2010, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

nm, lol

Author:  thales100 [ 18 Jul 2010, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

The widescreen site has been down for at least 2 weeks now. Did Dopefish go under? :shock:

Check the two posts above yours.

Author:  dopefish [ 23 Jul 2010, 04:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I'm preparing to remove the BETA reference to Widescreen Fixer and make it a regular release.

There are a few features I'd like to implement first and I need some input. I will also be listing some things that will and will not be fixed upon release, and some future fixes I have planned.

Input needed:
I am going to add support for specifying your own aspect-ratio or resolution. How will this work with bezel management? I have yet to use any form of bezel management solutions from ATI or NVIDIA. Should I only include the ability to set your own resolution? Should I include an option for custom aspect-ratios? The main thing I'm concerned about is how bezel management is handled. If all you do is set up the bezel management in the control panel, and it gives you a resolution, then you should just need to input that resolution. I only have TH2Go (thanks again, Mach1.9pants) and have no bezel management solutions, so I have no idea what users need out of Widescreen Fixer in that regard. (Redundant sentence much?)

Items fixed/added/changed upon release:
[*]Version numbers now update automatically based on SVN revision and build number.[/*:m]
[*]The hotkey now works as a hotkey should. You press it once and it works instantly without toggling on/off a thousand times per second. :)[/*:m]
[*]Update checking will be disabled until I can implement a better solution.[/*:m]
[*]An optional installer using WIX (There's a slim chance this won't be ready upon release. It depends on how anxious I get to release the app early.)[/*:m][/list:u]

Items needing fixed/added/changed after release:
[*]Remote updating of version.xml.[/*:m]
[*]Better update system. It should let you know there's an update, and if you choose to update, it will automatically download it and replace the file before the actual application loads.[/*:m]
[*]Include a description for modules describing what exactly the fix does for that particular game, as well as other vital information.[/*:m]
[*]Add in better error handling.[/*:m][/list:u]

There are more things I have on my todo list but these are at the top of the list.

I also hope to get a better web design for the site up, as well as a new icon for Widescreen Fixer.

Any input, thoughts, comments, criticisms, etc. are appreciated.

Author:  dopefish [ 23 Jul 2010, 08:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I've uploaded a new build (v2.0.19.663) of Widescreen Fixer for everyone to test/use.

Changes included in this release:

[*][Game.Call of Duty 6 MP] Appended v1.2.208 to the end of v1.1.195 (it doesn't fit; I know).[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Disabled update checking until I can implement a better solution.[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Added x64 build support (coming later).[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Fixed hotkey to not toggle on/off 1000 times per second when held down.[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Changed default tickrate of timer1 from 1000 to 100.[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Added support for updating the version numbers based on the SVN revision.[/*:m]
[*][Widescreen Fixer] Changed references from imk.cx to http://www.widescreenfixer.org.[/*:m][/list:u]

I'm interested in everyone trying out the hotkey and letting me know how it works. It should operate much better than before.


Author:  SiriusDragon [ 25 Jul 2010, 08:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

Hi Dopefish,

I can't get your fixer working in Wolfenstein. It works fine for UT3 (I tested in that to confirm it wasn't the fixer) so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've updated to the latest version (1.2) and that didn't help. The version I'm using is a retail copy, so it's got SecuRom instead of Steam. Could that be why?

Any suggestions?

I'm not using any sort of no-cd crack and my OS is Windows 7 x64.

Thank you for your awesome work. I look forward to replaying the CoD games at some point in surround.

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