Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
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Author:  dopefish [ 12 Nov 2011, 03:23 ]
Post subject:  De La NoChe wrote:RAGE_Saint

[quote]Dopefish, widescreen fixer is GREAT! I've used it for MW2, and now for MW3 as well. For the most part it looks great running @ 5760x1200, but all of the INDICATORS (objective markers, team death markers, and countdown overlays) are stretched out and don't stay within' the center monitor.


I know what you mean... The INDICATORS being stretched make it very hard to play certain game types like Domination and what not. I find that the stretched indicators of the different Map points (A, B) block your vision to a point where it is near impossible to play that game type. Also it would be nice to see a normal size hit maker and score indicator when you get a frag.

ANYWAYS, I want to thank Dopefish for all his work he has done. It looks great so far for MW3! I am sure he will fix the Indicators and what not in the near future ( I hope :) )

Try the plugin I linked here some posts ago.

Author:  RAGE_Saint [ 12 Nov 2011, 05:07 ]
Post subject:  that may be true.......

There's definitely things that need fixed still, like the text being centered and certain popups (like scoreboard) not being centered.

That may be dopefish, but in the grand scheme of things I think the big rocks have been moved! WELL DONE! The game is now effectively playable with your "experimental version" of the plugin Here's another link to it for good measure: http://www.widescreenfixer.org/g.codmw3mpexp.7z.

By the way, it may be worth while to note that within the VIDEO Settings area, then ADVANCED VIDEO Settings, the IMAGE QUALITY should be set to "Native" (I don't remember this parameter being included in any other COD game. So I included a screen shot to limit confusion). If this isn't set to "Native" the look of the game was ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE! (for me, and many I've spoken to). So those of you having issues, CHECK THAT FIRST!

As for the centered score board, and pop up stuff, I'd consider that a bonus. Can't wait to see that, but TOTALLY SATISFIED with the current state of things. LOOKS GREAT!


Attached files

Author:  Wijkert [ 12 Nov 2011, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  First of all, I would like to

First of all, I would like to thank Dopefish for the new plugin! Domanation is playable now.

I am playing MW3 at 6048x1080 and a lot of my icons are 'falling of' the middle screen. For example I can't read the score and part of the map is behind the bezels (bezel compensation). Is there any way it would be possible to centre them or change there position?

Author:  dopefish [ 12 Nov 2011, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  In a future version of

In a future version of Widescreen Fixer I am adding support to configure for bezel correction.

Author:  Wijkert [ 12 Nov 2011, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  dopefish wrote:In a future

In a future version of Widescreen Fixer I am adding support to configure for bezel correction.

That would be great. Am I correct in assuming that this version will be released within 1-2 weeks? It should be posted on the front page if you ask me.

Author:  dopefish [ 12 Nov 2011, 21:34 ]
Post subject:  I usually don't update the

I usually don't update the front page until I have something definitive to post. The release date is a rough estimate. I usually post updates and progress within this thread, though, so as long as people are checking this thread they'll see news.

I'm actually working on the main application itself right now.

Author:  dopefish [ 12 Nov 2011, 22:04 ]
Post subject:  I just released a new version

I just released a new version of the MW3 MP plugin. It's identical to the experimental one I posted before but has correct disabling features (I omitted them from the experimental version).

This one should replace the experimental one if you used it.

Author:  David leatherhoff [ 16 Nov 2011, 16:36 ]
Post subject:  Question about the black ops fix

Hi everyone.

First I'd like to thank Dopefish for this little gem as it enabled me to do something I thought impossible: enjoy MW3. For that only I will be making a small paypal donation.

Now my situation is a bit special as I only have one 5:4 monitor and play at 1280x1024, which isn't really "widescreen". However the MW3 widescreen fixer utility enabled me to fix the FOV and more importantly: to get rid of the ugly crosshair in SP and enjoy the campaign.

The inability to remove the crosshair is what convinced me not to buy COD black ops, so I was wondering if the same miracle was possible for that game? Will the current version of the widescreen fixer black ops SP plugin get rid of the crosshair? And if not, would it be possible to release a no crosshair SP plugin? If that's possible then I will gladly buy the game!

Thanks a lot for reading!

Author:  Rickebab [ 16 Nov 2011, 20:40 ]
Post subject:  I have a problem with my WFS,

I have a problem with my WFS, I tried different games but it only finds 'steam' so i cant activate it in the game (mw3 is one of the main ones i use it for.)

Author:  Kunismila [ 16 Nov 2011, 21:25 ]
Post subject:  HiNeed news update for MW3


Today widescreenFixer MW3 doesn't work with news release update
Need news update for MW3 1.3.361

thanks in advance

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