Widescreen Gaming Forum

Working Sync polarity fix, acer P223W screens
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Author:  ReverendUk [ 27 Mar 2011, 01:37 ]
Post subject:  Working Sync polarity fix, acer P223W screens


First a disclaimer, this is not for the faint of heart and you can cause a fair few issues if you are not confident in making modifications to your hardware, I cannot be held responsible if you cause damage to your equipment following this guide....

TOOLS/APPS required:

SoftMCCS (Entech) http://www.entechtaiwan.com/lib/softmccs.shtm
Phoenix EDID designer http://www.softsea.com/review/Phoenix-EDID-Designer.html
MonInfo http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/moninfo.shtm

Ok, on with the guide:

Guys much has been said about the sync polarity issue with Acer screens and running NV Surround at a resolution of 5040x1050, I have resolved this using research and some advice on another forum.

1. Get this tool (softMCCS from entech). Run it and extract the info for a screen (I used one of the VGA screens and I have two VGA and one DVI/VGA)
If it reports (written in green font) that DDC/CI is Supported, your monitor's EDID can be dumped.

2. From the softMCCS File menu, choose Save as Raylar EDID file (*.dat). This is the base for your new monitor inf.

3. Open the saved EDID file in Phoenix EDID Designer. File->Uncheck Read only.

I carried out the following, using one of the standard VGA montor EDID's extracted using the tool above I launched Phoenix TWICE. I opened the original EDID from the monitor in one instance of the application and selected to create a new one in the other (with me so far?)
Copy in all of the original monitor information from the original into the NEW EDID you are creating....(ALL SECTIONS AND BE METICULOUS!) then save with whatever name you want

4. Open moninfo. File->Open...your newly created EDID. File-> Create INF.

Apply the new .inf file to All monitors in Device manager and reboot.

Following this I have three ACER P223W (two analogue only inputs and the combi DVI & VGA screen running at identical settings and missing resolutions previously unavailable are now active and NV Surround kicking in faultlessly with the previously missing resolutions now available....

Hopefully this will help someone as it took ages to find this solution (even the arses at ACER wouldn't help)

Author:  slayit [ 29 Jun 2011, 18:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Working Sync polarity fix, acer P223W screens

I've just registered to say: Thank you!

Really, I was searching for two days straight to get a solution to my Problem. I couldn't choose 5760x1200 for my monitors, only some weird 5300x1050.
I wouldn't in my wildest dreams have imagined that I need to modify display drivers to work around this.

I've got one BenQ 241W in the middle of one Acer V243W on either side.
I've modded the Acer ones with the BenQ driver.

Thanks again and I hope it'll help some more people. :)

Author:  EasytouchBarBie [ 25 Aug 2012, 07:40 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the effort on

Thanks for the effort on this. Unfortunately I couldn't get this to change my situation. I tried a few times with different settings and no matter what it defauls all 3 of my monitors to 1650 x 1050 when all of them can do 1920 x 1080.

My center monitor has 1920 x 1200 so I was thinking that was the problem. I copied all settings from my 1080p monitor but it wouldn't even make a surround mode, it would try to do it and then crap out. The monitor itself is fine though, windows also recognized everything perfectly.

Just these stupid nvidia drivers... I am starting to think I made a big mistake moving away from AMD.

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