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 Post subject: Enemy Engaged 2
PostPosted: 30 Mar 2012, 20:17 

Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 16:15
Posts: 65
Hi all,

I was looking to get help with "Enemy Engaged 2" a Helicopter Flight Simulator, IT has TripleScreen Resolutions but the View is NOT Quite Right.. It seems smooshed Vertically??

It has a INI file where you can change Some Settings. 1 setting that can be changed is the FOV from the pilots view. here is a Screenshot with a 100 FOV:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Now the 2 Big Monitors in the Middle should be TALL and Skinny.. they seem Short and fat.. Now I looked for some word on this game as suggested by the Post at the top here and this game was NOT mentioned..

I am hoping someone with the ability will help me get this resolved. If you need a Legal Copy as there is NO Demo for this I have 2 LEGAL Offical Copies to give out.. For testing purposes..

I have 3 Sharp XR10X-L DLP PRojectors with a i5 2500K system for gaming.. I have 2 480GTX's in SLI mode for the higher resoltions plus I also game in 3D..

This game was released in around 2007 NOT to be Confused with Enemy Engaged Commanch Hokum released in 2000 you can get on GOG.. This is the 2nd release of this sim with DX9 support..There was ONLY 1 Patch released for this sim..

But too add confusion there are 2 different Published releases.. One by Strategy First and the other by G2. now both can be played MP but the Patches are different and can only use the Corresponding Patch depending on which Publisher your Copy is..

I have 1 Strategy First copy and a G2 Copy on the way Bought off ebay.. So if you are serious and can Help me fix this I can give you a Copy for FREE!!
WEll heres to hoping I can get this Fixed..
Thank You'


PostPosted: 30 Mar 2012, 20:41 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2007, 19:14
Posts: 1560
If that FOV setting in the ini file actually affects the game then the solution *might* be simple. Set that FOV value to 140, launch the game, and try to take a screenshot from the exact same location shown in the first pic. Post the new image here; comparing the two will probably reveal a lot about how the engine treats FOV.

VirtualDub Game Recording Guide | BFME2 & RotWK Widescreen/Triplehead Mods

 Post subject: 140 FOV:Uploaded with
PostPosted: 30 Mar 2012, 22:21 

Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 16:15
Posts: 65
140 FOV:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us


By the_nephilim at 2012-03-30

 Post subject: Thanks for the pics.The
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2012, 02:03 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2007, 19:14
Posts: 1560
Thanks for the pics.

The field of view certainly increases with higher values, but the cockpit still seems stretched horizontally (everything too wide). Is that true? The problem could also involve incorrect aspect ratio.

What was the default FOV value in the ini file before you changed it? If you don't mind, change the FOV back to the default, run the game at 1024x768 and take another screenshot just like the ones above. That should show the proper proportions of the cockpit.


VirtualDub Game Recording Guide | BFME2 & RotWK Widescreen/Triplehead Mods

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2012, 02:56 

Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 16:15
Posts: 65
Yes the Cockpit is stretched Horizontally.. The DEFAULT FOV is 80. here is a screenshot of it at 1024x768 rez and at 80 FOV:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I too think it is a AR and needs to be set to a 12:3 AR..but how I do NOT know that trick..

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2012, 10:07 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2007, 19:14
Posts: 1560
Based on this information and the pics you shared in the other thread, the primary issue is the aspect ratio. Correcting the AR might fix things by itself. I'll PM you about a potential fix.

VirtualDub Game Recording Guide | BFME2 & RotWK Widescreen/Triplehead Mods

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2012, 15:55 

Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 16:15
Posts: 65
OK cool hope we can get this fixed.. I PM'd you a bit ago so Please check your PM..

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2012, 10:17 

Joined: 11 Apr 2012, 06:05
Posts: 11
Hi Nephilim. A very nice gaming rig you have. This is a long shot and you have probably thought of this, but check the ini file for resolution. There may be a number which matches the reolution that you have the game set at somewhere. It may not be as obvious as a simple label "resolution'. You may be able to put in a custom resolution which will improve things by increasing the vertical resolution, and make the image a little "taller". If you have already thought of this, sorry for stating the obvious. Good luck.

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2012, 01:03 

Joined: 14 Mar 2010, 16:15
Posts: 65
well I did NOt think or know that but alas the ini file did not have any such entry to change the resolution..

But I believe someone I been in contact with has found a possible fix..So hopefully it will work I will post when I know more..

 Post subject: (No subject)
PostPosted: 22 Apr 2012, 15:55 
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