I've been trying to get this game to work in widescreen with the latest patch myself. An older version of UniWS worked for the older version of the game, but when I tried the latest version of UniWS, it wouldn't patch for some reason. I select KOTOR2 from the list of games, then the installation directory, and after that it won't let me enter a resolution or hit the patch buttons. Does the latest version of UniWS work for anyone else or did they break it with the last update?
Currently, I can get the game to run in 1280x720 by editting the .ini file, but for the FOV is obviously messed up. I've been messing about with
Kotortool in an attempt to figure out how to change the FOV. It seems to me that a setting for FOV ought to be hidden somewhere in the 2DA.bif file, but so far I haven't found it. I've skimmed a few 2DA's, mucked about with them by creating override 2DA's, but so far nothing has changed the FOV. There is a field search function, but unfortunately, if there is a FOV setting somewhere in the BIF's they didn't call it something sensible like FOV or "Field of View". If I could find the right value to edit I could just send other people the 2da to place in their override folder. Maybe FOV is buried in the .exe after all.
Anyways, I'll keep trying to figure it out. Hopefully the fellow who does UniWS will beat me to the punch though.