The Chrome Engine is a b!tch when it comes to dealing with the FOV. Tanuki appears to have spent a fair amount of time trying to figure it out for Xpand Rally, and his conclusion was that there's much more than meets the eye : FOV settings are scattered here and there, buried in java files - see this thread. I tried fixing a number of Chrome Engine-based racing games myself, and there's even less stuff actually affected by manual edits in recent titles than in older ones. I'm afraid that might be the case for CoJ BiB, too : the obvious settings may be little more than dummies, while the real ones affecting the FOV are hidden, with no easy way out. So, well... good luck :(
BTW, is the FOV really too narrow or are you just annoyed at the sight of such a low value as 57 :?: (just asking)
Thanks for the info Scav. It's sad to hear about that. The dev's (or maybe the publisher, LUBIsoft, should be blamed!) really dropped the ball on this prequel. Instead of IMPROVING upon the first one, and adding upon it, they seemed to have taken a step BACK by REMOVING certain things (FOV, graphic tweaks, gameplay, MP features, admin control, etc.). Needless to say, I've about given up trying to find a tweak. That link you have there, Scav, is dead I'm afraid. But even then I don't think I'd waste anymore time on this game.
For the record, to answer your final question, it's both. The FOV is REALLY narrow, almost liked you're ZOOMED in constantly. It's, literally, like running around looking through binoculars.
^ Bump if anyone hacks this thing to pieces and gets FOV for TRUE widescreen support!