Haldi wrote:
That's great to hear.
I thought about buying this game. Is it fun? Even with keyboard?
I've only played it with K&&M, It plays perfectly. No noticeable mouse acceleration present. At 7680x1440 it looks amazing. It feels good, plays better and has good overall atmosphere and combat. As far as some of the comments about Demon/Dark souls, it is very similar yes. Only, From software despises PC gamers and would never, or at least has not ever, made a game that is this polished out of the box on PC. The textures are very high resolution and the overall environment has a level of graphical fidelity far superior to DS. Is it a better game? Well that is subjective of course. I would lean towards almost, but no. They are both really good games. There are also some absolutely awesome weapons and armor sets, and if you go out of your way not to save your game your chances of getting better loot goes up. I like their version of the risk/reward system.
All that being said there are a few issues I personally have with it. Although others might not find these to be a problem, and none of them are bad enough to be labeled as damning. First thing is, I wish the options menu was a little more fleshed out. I would have really liked to see some more detailed graphics options. A few of them are rolled up together into single sliders. A secondary set of key bindings would have also been very nice. I always appreciate being able to map multiple keys to certain tasks. There is, (At least at the time of writing this) an issue with some Mesh/Transparency in some sections of the game. They can cause some strange anomalies on screen. It looks like a very small checkered pattern running a layer down, and covering all of the assets with light on them. Although they aren't always visible. I think it is tied in to the Nvidia Gameworks toolkit and their implementation of it. Other then that there isn't really anything terrible about it. The fact that the health/stamina/magic bar, and spells are not centered doesn't bother me in the slightest. In any other game I would take issue with it, but for some reason it is tolerable for me in this one. I find it adds a little to the immersion, but I'm most likely alone on that.
So to summarize,Does it play well with Keyboard && Mouse? It certainly does, I can't see playing it with anything else.Does it have high graphical fidelity? Absolutely, It looks fantastic, and scales beautifully. Is it a title worth owning? I sure think it is.