Joined: 21 Jan 2010, 23:58 Posts: 15
hallo i am having problems gettin this to work properly i followd as best i can the instructions to get the resolutions displaying in the game.disregarding step 1,2 and 3. i used the uniws program to patch the game and i added the 1920 x1080 hud files to the override folder in the game dir..the game runs in 1920x1080 resoultion now but the hud is all positiond incorectly rather then it being around the edge of the screen like it was beffor.its enclosed in a small box shape to the upper left handside of the dosent matter what resolution i put it on now the hud is exaclty in the same position even in 800 x600 now..i must of don somthing wrong.can somone help me to fix this please.thanks