Widescreen Gaming Forum

FEAR 3 Surround
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Author:  _CH_Skyline_ [ 05 Jul 2011, 05:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: FEAR 3 Surround

This is a pretty good game. This playground just looked so fantastic, really digging the lighting.



Author:  Slinky [ 06 Jul 2011, 01:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: FEAR 3 Surround

Hey i was wondering if anyone could tell me what im doing wrong with my options.cfg file. I removed the # tag and changed the fov to 200 but it didnt make any difference

Author:  tet5uo [ 06 Jul 2011, 03:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: FEAR 3 Surround

I'm not sure why you guys need to use these crazy values like 200...

I used 95deg for 16:9 and 135deg for 48:9 and it looked perfect.

Author:  Slinky [ 06 Jul 2011, 04:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: FEAR 3 Surround

For some reason my fov goes out when i sprint and zooms back in when i stop sprinting. its really annoying. this happening to anyone else?

Author:  lowdog [ 11 Jul 2011, 07:20 ]
Post subject:  Same here, 3 x 24" @

Same here, 3 x 24" @ 6048x1200 and FOV doesn't seem any different if set at either 75 or 200.....WTF!!!!....stupid fu#kin game...and whats with the graphics ffs, I thought the 90's were over and done with a decade ago!!.....fu#kin consoles ggggrrrr...end rant.

Author:  tet5uo [ 11 Jul 2011, 07:36 ]
Post subject:  The lines in the config file

The lines in the config file are commented out.. are you removing the # signs?

Author:  lowdog [ 11 Jul 2011, 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Fear 3

The lines in the config file are commented out.. are you removing the # signs?

Yep, removing the # sign and doesn't do anything. Baffled.

Author:  Z-FiRE [ 20 Jul 2011, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  Everything works for me :-

Everything works for me :
- nativ support of 5040x1050 (with TH2Go)
- change FOV in options.cfg

BUT (and it's a big one) the max fov is apparently 200, I mean if I put 400 (or 800, 1000 ...) it makes no difference than 200, or if i put a value less than 200 (like 100 or 75) it makes a huge difference. And the point is : 200 is not enough I think, 300 will be good.

It's not the same FOV value than in Battlefield BC2 or TF2. With 200 in FEAR3 I feel bad I think it's not enough but 110 in BFBC2 it's really good... so... we can't compare...

Author:  enforcer [ 24 Jul 2011, 19:42 ]
Post subject:  fyi the game becomes vert- if

fyi the game becomes vert- if you play as fettel instead as pointman

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