[list]* Support for 1.0c and 1.0e executables. No support for version without expansion pack (yet).[/list:u]
[list]* Support for vertical resolutions higher than 1536 (I think unlimited). Proof below in the form of a 1680x2100 screenshot[/list:u]
[list]* Fixed vertical position of top-left text[/list:u]
[list]* AoE2Wide creates a batch file in the game folder and the desktop that allows you to easily start a widescreen version of the game, without having to check the resolution in the options screen all the time. Also, on Vista an win7, this will try to kill explorer.exe before the game, and start it again afterwards, in order to fix the palette issue (which is not a patch issue, by the way).[/list:u]
[list]* Created an MSI installer.
[list]* UAC: AoE2Wide.exe now requests elevation, and is therefore able to write directly to the game folder. Note that it will not overwrite any original files, nor abuse the elevation for something else.[/list:u]
Little note about the support for different versions: If you have multiple versions alongside each other, AoE2Wide will find them all (all supported, that is) and create multiple patched exes, one for each version. Also, the batchfiles will be duplicate. If you name the executables, for example, age2_x1_1.0e.exe and age2_x1_1.0c.exe, the 'suffix' will appear back in the patched-exe and shortcut names.
Known issues:
[list]* Only expasion pack (conquerors) works at the moment[/list:u]
[list]* The vertical position during recorded game playback seems incorrect[/list:u]
[list]* The background and especially the Load/Save dialogs don't look good yet due to the way the images are stretched now[/list:u]
If you want to support the past and future development of this patch, please visit
http://boekabart.dyndns.org/aoe2wide/donate.html where you can find a PayPal donate button. Thank you very much!