I'm trying to use Wogg's GUI patcher to get Sim City 4 Rush hour to 1680 x1050. I d/l both the exe and the ini and placed them in the same folder. When I dbl clk on the exe file the program opens and I can use the find button to find the SimCity4.cfg, atleast the dialog box says it found the .cfg file. However the program will not let me make any entries in the resolution section. The .cfg file itself does not appear in the "Game Installation Folder" section of the dialog box, only the SimCity4 folder and its sub folders. My SimCity4.cfg is in the default location ie, C: ...My documentsSimCity4. Any ideas on a work around?
Edit: to add some more detail. I can use the tab button to change focus between the 'Game drop down list', the 'Game Installation Folder List', the 'Find' button, and the 'Details' dialog box, but neither of the resolution text boxes ever receive focus.