Widescreen Gaming Forum

How do i run old games in widescreen?
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Author:  Dono33 [ 14 Feb 2005, 04:09 ]
Post subject:  How do i run old games in widescreen?

I just bought a sony VGN s360, Im having problems with all my older games running in full screen.Most of my old games run at 800 by 600, is there anyway to stretch them so they will run in full screen mode.Those big black bars on the sides and tiny picture are really annoying.There are no options availbale in my video card driver controls that I have found to deal with it.

Author:  golem [ 15 Feb 2005, 05:14 ]
Post subject:  How do i run old games in widescreen?

maybe a setting in the monitor menus.. something to do with aspect ratio?

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