Widescreen Gaming Forum

Nascar Sim Racing
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Author:  charliebk [ 18 Feb 2005, 03:07 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

I tried the demo and it did not have native widescreen support. Does anyone have the actual game (released this week)? Is there widescreen support? Thanks!

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Apr 2005, 01:14 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

I'm guessing no one has picked it up. Did you get the config files (.ini or .cfg, usually) or the registry for a place to manually change the res?

Author:  Fitter [ 14 Apr 2005, 02:53 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

i just got nascar simracing, and it does not support widescreen. There is a config.ini file, but it only has video and one number beside it. 7=1024x 768, and 12=1280x1024. I tried numbers in between, plus using halves, and didnt seem to make a difference.

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Apr 2005, 04:07 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

You might try negative numbers, that worked on Thief 3.

Author:  Fitter [ 14 Apr 2005, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

tried negative numbers 1-12, and they all seem to set res at 640x480. Too bad, good lookin game. Searched for registry entries and no luck there either.

Author:  crazy fred [ 18 Apr 2005, 05:55 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

The retail version included 1280x720x32 as an option. To get it to work in demo...add "+allvideomodes" with space but not quotes at end of 3d setup executable. You should have 1280x720x32 now when you run 3d setup :D

Author:  Fitter [ 18 Apr 2005, 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

hey crazy fred,

i tried your suggestion, but it didnt work for me on the retail version. I never had 1280x720 come up as a res for me.
One thing i did notice was after i add the +allvideomodes to my shortcut, the config.ini file in the game folder changed a bit. The videomode line in the config was set at 78, where as before it never went higher than 12, 12 being 1280x1024. So i changed it to 89 and i got 1280x720.(78 was 1024x768)
And in the 3d setup, i did get 2 new res's, 1152x864, and 1280x960.
Thanks for the idea, looks awesome now.

Author:  crazy fred [ 18 Apr 2005, 21:19 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

Glad some of what I suggested worked. Kinda fun to play on a big screen :D

Author:  skoiboy [ 12 Mar 2006, 05:20 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

I was unable to get the same results you guys were...any ideas?

Author:  LabShark [ 13 Mar 2006, 18:22 ]
Post subject:  Nascar Sim Racing

NASCAR Racing Season does WS natively and is a superior game IMHO.


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